3rd Day: 37% ($9300) of $25,000 Goal!

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3rd Day: 37% ($9300) of $25,000 Goal!

This is the show from Monday February 5th 2007.

God has authorized from heaven that sex is only legitimate within marriage. That's it. Only within marriage. And we're ashamed to say that. We don't want to look like throw-backs to a prehistoric time. We want to be "with it" even as Christian leaders. So we need to be not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* Richard from Ontario, Canada: thanks BEL for the teachings and says, "I'm going to be a father in a month from now," and he has been inspired by this radio show to raise a godly young child!

* Oliver from North Carolina: thanks God for BEL's ministry to the world, and writes, "Your teaching (show and materials) has strengthened my relationship with the Lord tremendously over the years!"

* Brett R from the Internet: developed a strategy to prevent moderators of "conservative" forums from deleting his anti-abortion posts. Brett very wisely points out that abortion exacerbates the illegal immigration problem, and as a result, his posts are more tolerated by "conservatives."

* Immigration or Abortion?: Which issue will God be angry about on Judgment Day? Will God's wrath burn hot against Americans for allowing illegal immigration? No. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and here at BEL we offer what might be the only correct fix for this problem in our KGOV Immigration Solution. However, compared to America's slaughter of the unborn children of illegal immigrants and of our own citizens, illegal immigration itself is a non-issue. Yet plenty of "conservatives" who will exert tremendous energy and resources against illegal immigration are relatively apathetic toward the legitimized killing of children.

* See the BEL February 2007 Telethon update!

Today's TWO Resources:
1) Please help keep Bob on the air by making a pledge during this important first weekend of the telethon! You can either call 303 463-7789 or 800-8Enyart (if you get a recording, feel free to leave a detailed message or ask for a call back); or you can give online!
2) Join Robert from West Hartford CT, and Marilyn from Denver, who both furthered the telethon goal by subscribing to the BEL Televised Classics. The mailman will deliver DVDs to your door of 4, 8, or 16 BEL TV shows a month for $24.99, $34.99 or $49.99 (only $3.13 per show)! Just call us or click BEL Televised Classics!
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