359 sex assault reports, 821 complaints


Well-known member
Police in Cologne are investigating a staggering 359 sexual assaults and a total of 821 complaints after a migrant mob went on the rampage in the city on New Year’s Eve . . .a total of 359 sexual assaults have been reported to German police and that 659 women are recorded as having been victims of the mob.

All purely coincidental, donchaknow. Happens every NYE in Germany. The only common factor? Assailants with mysteriously indeterminate religious identities that, even if known, can have NOTHING to do with the assaults, you racist.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
no no no

they weren't migrants

they were ... errr.....umm....something else

and you can't mention their countries of origin or their religion or the color of their skin

because that would be racist


Well-known member
Well, they do mention (to a point) countries of origin, but that is not the main motivator behind the sexual assaults. Their religion is..."whatever your right hand possesses..."


New member
The callousness for women is the spirit of antichrist.
Daniel 11:37 KJV
(37) Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.


Well-known member
The callousness for women is the spirit of antichrist.
Daniel 11:37 KJV
(37) Neither shall he [a] regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women [c] nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

I take that to mean

[a] he'll ostensibly be a Jew,

he'll promote himself as totally celibate (1 Tim 4:3 cf Col 2:23) or as a homo, and

[c] he'll be an atheist.

That would make the list of possible candidates for that position endless.


Well-known member
Europe has neither the birthrate demography nor the moral will to counter the “go” moment that will come when Muslims all across the continent decide there’s enough of them to act swiftly and decisively...not just the new arrivals but thousands who've lived there for years. Then it will truly hit the fan. Bombings, hostage situations, school captures like Belsen, home invasions, the works. The governments – even if they’re willing to respond – will be paralyzed, especially on the local level. The populace is already largely unarmed. There will be isolated pockets of resistance - always are - but in the end there can be only one outcome: varying degrees of concession will be made, not merely to the Muslim immigrants-turned-occupiers, but to Islam itself. At that moment, what light of civilization is left in Europe goes out forever.

The answer of most of Europe's governments at this point? Let more in.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
What does not seemed to of registered is the vast majority of muslims in the UK are here because they want to live in a western democracy and do not want to live in a muslim caliphate.

The video I posted the other day showed the reaction of most British Muslims to jihadists activist and agitators, they are generally not interested.

Europe has neither the birthrate demography nor the moral will to counter the “go” moment that will come when Muslims all across the continent decide there’s enough of them to act swiftly and decisively...not just the new arrivals but thousands who've lived there for years. Then it will truly hit the fan. Bombings, hostage situations, school captures like Belsen, home invasions, the works. The governments – even if they’re willing to respond – will be paralyzed, especially on the local level. The populace is already largely unarmed. There will be isolated pockets of resistance - always are - but in the end there can be only one outcome: varying degrees of concession will be made, not merely to the Muslim immigrants-turned-occupiers, but to Islam itself. At that moment, what light of civilization is left in Europe goes out forever.

The answer of most of Europe's governments at this point? Let more in.


Well-known member
If that were true, why do they have police no-go zones and impose their take on sharia laws with their own patrols?

He refuses to acknowledge the existence of taquiyya. Maj. Hassan here in the U.S. was a good guy from all reports, until one day he went SJS and murdered 13 and injured more than 30. So take MILLIONS like him, put him in an enervated, morally gutted and dying society like Britain, keep bringing in more like him, and most Brits telling themselves "Oh, they're here to become like us."

Q. How many Brits will need their heads sawed off in broad daylight before they all wake up to the threat they've imported?

A. They probably don't have enough Brits for that to happen.