This is the show from Friday, February 3rd, 2023
*Paradigms in Crisis: RSR host Fred Williams welcomes Doug McBurney begin a review of Ellis Hughes’ powerful new book detailing problems with Plate Tectonic Theory that rival the myriad problems with Big Bang Cosmology!
*Early Galaxies: Find out some interesting news regarding Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, and how it might be best explained in light of Hydroplate Theory.
*Concrete Evidence: Roman concrete turns out to be yet more evidence that ancient man was anything but “less evolved” that his modern counterparts.
*Cassini and Enceladus for Walt Brown: Find out some interesting news regarding Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, and how it might be best explained in light of Hydroplate Theory.
*Procrustes Lives: In his 1972 paper in the Journal of Geology Arthur Meyerhoff pointed out that the suddenly fashionable theory of plate tectonics was eerily reminiscent of the Procrustean Bed.
*Groupthink: A Brief Outline & History: Professor Hughes gives a succinct description of Plate Tectonic theory and a history of just how a theory dismissed for centuries became the modern paradigm despite at least 20 reasons to question it!
*Fred Williams at Berean Bible Church: Hear our own Fred Williams present the Hydroplate Theory at the Northeast Colorado Creation Group next Thursday, February 9th.
*Robert Brown at RMCF: Join us in welcoming one scientist who definitely worked for Walt Brown, (perhaps even taking out the trash at some point), professor Robert Brown, who will be speaking at the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship on February 10th 2023. Catch it live, or streaming!
*Reason #1: Listen in to hear where Dr. Hughes starts with the questioning of plate tectonics: the enormous disparity in divergent and convergent boundaries…
Today's Resource: 20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics by Ellis Hughes