20/20 Special: Stupid [Kids] In America

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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
From Bob Enyart:
I have significantly changed our website, the memorial to the four-year-old boy who was euthanized here in Colorado, dylanwalborn.com, specifically regarding the Denver Post reporting of Pastor Buddy Conn, a local Christian pastor, who The Post indicated supported Dylan's mercy killing.

Today we had a lengthy face-to-face meeting with Pastor Conn and his senior pastor Michael Ware of Colorado's Victory Church. And I am convinced that Pastor Conn was completely unaware of and did not support the parents' decision to stop feeding their son. Therefore I apologize to Pastor Conn and Pastor Ware and to their church members for not contacting Buddy prior to accepting the story in the Denver Post as factual.

Now, the Post reporter Kevin Simpson will not answer our calls or questions regarding Buddy Conn's total repudiation. [Conn] completely denies that he was aware or supported the decision to stop feeding Dylan.

Pastor Ware has completely committed to making an effort to correct the false public record as established by the Denver Post, and hopes to soon publicly publish a corrected account, hopefully in a Denver Post letter to the editor.

There is more to say on this, and so what I'd like to do is dedicate tomorrow's show to recapping the Dylan Walborn story, the Denver Post effort to bring child euthanasia out of the closet in Colorado, and also again I reiterate: I should have contacted Pastor Conn initially, and for not doing so I am sorry.

:up: Good news about Pastor Conn and Victory Church!
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