2 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of James)


All are welcome to participate.

No verses are allowed to be interpreted with anything but other, cross referenced verses of any "Translation" (not paraphrase) of the Canonized 66 books/Epistles of the Scriptures, with the exception of the book of James.

Historical context, geography and exegesis are welcome.

Personal belief systems and conjecture are allowed

No slander, false prophet declarations or any judgment is to be cast.

We will break James into small chunks and travel through it chronologically.

Debate will occur over each section, and if no response is made, than the chunks will continue to come until all is revealed.

Foreknowledge of further content in James may be paraphrased from memory in illumination of James to prove ones point, but no direct quotes from other verses in James are to be used, than the verses that are provided in the part being evaluated.

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