The Great Reset – Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview
The Great Reset Posted on February 13, 2022 Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host for an hour or so, and find out what’s happening this week & how to survive the coming catastrophe! The US Army is attacking Climate Change, while America is at war with Robert Malone, MD & under attack by a spike protein unleashed by the biggest, dumbest experiment ever. And forget changing definitions; White House chief hysteric Rochelle Walensky has gone hysterical and and completely thrown out the definition of “mild”, when it comes to the latest bug going around. In Canada they’ll take away your kids if you’re divorced and unvaccinated, in England they’ll drum you out of medicine for saying “It’s a girl!”, and in a federal Prison in Michigan a child molester finally got the death penalty he so sorely deserved. The pedophiles will be ascendant as long as the normal people allow it, someone needs to remind the Christians that pornography should be illegal, and back in Canada, Justin Trudeau is acting like the bastard child of Fidel Castro… Artur Pawlowski is in jail again, (this time he was going out to speak to the Freedom Blockade), and speaking of freedom; if you are not willing to die for it, you won’t be able to pass it on to your grandchildren. All that plus C.S. Lewis and “The Great Divorce“, and how to reset your own life before it’s too late. DOWNLOAD THIS WEEKS CONSERVATIVE TALK HERE! THE GREAT RESET.MP3 |