1869: evolution imposed into political structure for elites


Well-known member
Darwin was pushed into publishing in 1859, through emotional sabotage etc from T. Huxley. In 1869, Harvard University needed a new president. The new president appointed a Dr. Langdell to the Law department. The qualifying factor? Theological adherence to ORIGINS OF SPECIES, including the elimination of God from the picture of the universe and, of course, from law.

They forced this through education, popularizing any material that would conflict with the Bible. Pioneers traveling the Oregon Trail, for ex., received pamphlets from back east about watching for other dinosaur bones than the ones already found, because it was a foregone conclusion that this meant the Bible was cuckoo. Even the language Landell chose to describe his work, and new paradigm, used some of the same language as the biological descriptions of Darwin, as though man were merely that.

So what is the political aspect of this? That once God is removed from the place it has in the Declaration of Independence and from the Constitution, the State is the basis for rights, dignity, values. There is nothing above man except concensus on those things. That was the political goal of these elites back then, and going forward. They want countries dictatable by...themselves. If you disagree with the State they lock you up. This is not theoretical. Germany went this direction. German monism, the view that it as a people was true nature and the one true human reality, dates back to Darwin's counterpart in Germany, Ernst Haeckl and his material on recapitulation.

In recent years, I find that the elites have actually backed off from their base, because there is the practical reality of 'do not steal' which, unfortunately for them, is in the Bible which they detest, and which undergirds most of the other commands (the other violations are essentially a form of theft). So the elites have turned to the accusation of racism to villify Christianity and the Bible, even though the basis for eliminating it is in the DI and in Jefferson's own comments.

It is no wonder then that the current supreme court members in favor of same-sex marriage is not concerned the least to have violated all the principles of recusal in passing same-sex marriage. They are dictators, because they are born of a dictatorial ideology. The passage was sort of billboard for the overthrow of the (perhaps) last ongoing objective biological corroboration of Genesis, that God made male and female. What a primitive idea--two genders. It is an appendage now that the State (read: the most radical elites) is in charge of all definitions.

Why was the Judeo-Christian base not likewise a dictatorship, you may ask? Because it was above men. It affirmed a personal-infinite Creator. Not a man or council determining these, although there is enough common sense in them that they are found through most cultures (Lewis "Illustrations of the Tao" in THE ABOLITION OF MAN). That is exactly why the French and Russian revolutions failed. There was neither transcendant authority--nor common sense.

patrick jane

yes, then in 1962 -

Goodbye God!

Prayer and the Bible Removed from Public Schools

In the Engel v. Vitale case (1962), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-1 against New York's "Regents' prayer," a "non-denominational" prayer which state education officials had composed for public schoolchildren to recite.

The government-sponsored religious devotion was challenged in court by a group of parents from New Hyde Park (some atheists, some believers). O'Hair was not involved in the case at all.

One year later, a case originated by a Philadelphia-area man named Ed Schempp challenging mandatory Bible reading in Pennsylvania schools reached the Supreme Court. At the same time, Murray O'Hair was challenging a similar practice as well as the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in Maryland public schools. The Supreme Court consolidated the cases and in 1963 ruled 8-1 that devotional Bible reading or other government-sponsored religious activities in public schools are unconstitutional.

Truly, these were two of the saddest days in America's history for God and His people.

The graphs below are NOT opinions. They are fact! Please pay careful attention to the year 1962. This is the year of The Supreme Court Ruling in the case of ENGEL v. VITALE. The year that prayer was removed from our schools, the Bible in 1963. The year that our tax dollars began paying for the brainwashing of our children.


New member
Darwin was pushed into publishing in 1859, through emotional sabotage etc from T. Huxley.
You have made this claim of bullying by Huxley several times now. I don't claim to be well-read on the relationship between Darwin and Huxley but from what I do know it wasn't like that at all.

Do you have a reliable reference that establishes such a relationship?



New member
So what is the political aspect of this? That once God is removed from the place it has in the Declaration of Independence and from the Constitution, the State is the basis for rights, dignity, values. There is nothing above man except concensus on those things. That was the political goal of these elites back then, and going forward. They want countries dictatable by...themselves.
Fundamentally you don't really believe in democracy, do you. You don't trust the people out there to vote in favour of your view.

But while you question the secular constitution that was the legacy of Thomas Jefferson with the inspiration of others, don't forget how important this is to the success of the US as a nation of religious refugees. The Pilgrims fled the established church in England onboard the Mayflower. The Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut wrote to Thomas Jefferson complaining about religious persecution by...
...the congregationalists of Danbury, Connecticut.

So Jefferson's answer was to build up a wall of separation between religion and the state. The Unites Stated was never going to have an established church that was privileged above other religious interests.

That's why your god was removed from state-sponsored activities, and you should be grateful and proud of that fact. Because if you aren't then when the favoured group isn't yours you might be leaving in a modern Mayflower, looking for the new secular state that will grant you religious liberty in exchange for you not imposing your morals on others undemocratically.

Your freedom depends on you trusting others, and not trying to impose your religion on others. I realise that might be a tricky sell in a nation as politically poisoned and paranoid as the US.



Well-known member
Speaking of common sense, what about Thomas Paine?

Much of the English rejected Paine because of the campaign of Pastor Peter Holford c.1805 about Christ's predictions of the coming Jewish War of 66-73. Those vivid, direct, practical predictions and warnings are in Mt24A etc. Holford revitalized the material of Josephus and others and corroborated all the evidence that Christ was indeed divine authority as claimed, but with a new 'realm' or area of proof: a major world event outside the NT.

It was such a major blow to the outright denial of Christ's authority that we don't find this kind of attack in England again, that I know of. Instead, those who reject the Biblical picture changed their attack to the Creator. In America, the attack was statist. That is, those who were fundamentally at odds with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence needed a way to undercut them. They wanted maximum government; the Constitution was about minimum. The Creator needed to be got rid of, and the state alone was to be the philosophical and moral guide. The 1869-elected president of Harvard selected Dr. Langdell to head the Law department specifically because Langdell had rejected the Bible utterly and held ORIGIN OF SPECIES to be the only sensible creed. This is why there is an artificial understanding of separation of church and state throughout America. It was about theocracy and pluralism, but after Langdell, it was said to be about any Christian impact in public life at all. Ie, evolution, not creation, was to be taught in public schools, which his buddy Dewey now ran, also by centralized federal authority. These elites and statists also created the artificial rift between science and faith, in which faith was seen as apart from science instead of embracing it.

I think it is fair to say that the role of the State in England was already much larger and the kind of attack against the Constitution in the US was not needed in England.