1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Crime Report


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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Crime Report

This is the show from Wednesday November 16th, 2011.

When researchers do an MRI on your brain, one of the things they can tell, apparently, is if you're a drug addict because there is a certain part of the brain that's called the rewards center and there's more mass in the rewards center if you're a drug addict. Now researchers have turned their attention from drug addicts to teenagers - 14 year olds - who play video games. And this is what they found out: That 14 year olds who play video games more than 9 hours per week have more grey matter in the rewards center of their brain than their peers who did not play video games that much. Now the researchers are trying to figure out whether or not the more grey matter in the rewards center is a result of spending so much time playing the video games or whether or not it was there originally and it led these kids to play video games so much. The researchers will find out when they do the second phase of their studies that this additional grey matter in the rewards center of these kid's brians is a result of playing video games. It's a result of it. It wasn't there at first and then those kids just fell into video games. So you heard that here first on Bob Enyart Live.


BEL does the headlines starting with sports! How 'bout 'dem Broncos!

Today’s Resource: In Focus on the Strategy, using audio and video clips of Christian leaders, Bob Enyart presents seven lines of evidence that our national ministries have endorsed legal positivism, elevating man's rules and the Constitution above God, and giving them precedence above eternal laws such as Thou shall not murder. This blockbuster DVD demonstrates that legal positivism (secular humanism in law) is eroding even the personal morality of Christian believers. The Family Research Council gave us an example of raw legal positivism when Gary Bauer defended Judge Samuel Alito for voting to uphold even Partial Birth Abortion, because it was "his job" as a judge. However, God cares about the souls of judges as much as others; and a judge who upholds the murder of the innocent is no less guilty before God than a criminal who kills his victim. And you can enjoy one or two of Bob’s fun and insightful DVDs mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! And you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!
