15% of "Syrian Refugees" Support ISIS!


New member
New poll shows that 15% of the alleged Syrian "Refugees" actually support ISIS.

If so, then about 3,700 of the 25,000 "refugees"
that the Canadian Government is airlifting at about
1,000 per day this month will be Terrorists or Terrorist Supporters.

Thats 150 Terrorists per day into Canada.

you can expect many if not most will be shortly
trying to cross into the USA.

Why can't the USA put pressure on Canada to stop before its too late?

Oh yeah. Obama.


Syrian refugees in Lesvos Island, Greece. Photo: courtesy of AJC
New survey: 13% of Syrian refugees in Europe support ISIS

Posted by: Ilana Shneider November 11, 2015
As the new Liberal government scrambles to fulfill its election promise of bringing 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by December 31 (or roughly 6,000 refugees a week), the first-of-its-kind survey of Syrian refugees entering Europe found that 13% support the Islamic State (ISIS).
In the largest public opinion poll ever conducted in the Arab region by the Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies which included a sample made up of 600 respondents from Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Iraq as well as 900 Syrian refugees, the poll revealed that 22% of Syrian refugees viewed Israel as the greatest threat to the security and stability of the Arab region, while only 10% of Syrian refugees viewed Islamic militancy as the greatest threat.
Additionally, 10% of Syrian refugees named the United States to be one of the two biggest beneficiaries of the military campaign against ISIS, while 27% named Israel as one of the two parties who stood to gain the most.
15% of Syrian refugees did not regard ISIS as a direct threat to the security of their home country, and 10% and 16% cited declaration of the Islamic Caliphate and commitment to Islamic principles as the main cause of ISIS strength and support, respectively.
66% of Syrian refugees believe that ISIS was created by foreign actors and 31% of Syrians said they oppose or strongly oppose the military airstrikes against ISIS by the US-led international coalition.
Finally, the survey also found that 13% of the displaced Syrian refugees have a positive or somewhat positive view of the terror group.
The poll should raise alarms about the potential of 13% of incoming refugees either already supporting ISIS or being susceptible to ISIS recruitment. However, to date the Liberals have not provided any details about what, if any, screening mechanisms have been put in place in order to identify potential security risks by bringing 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada in a span of less than 2 months, in spite of serious concerns voiced by immigration lawyers and security experts.
Toronto-based Immigration lawyer Guidy Mamann warned that accepting 25,000 refugees and landing them in Canada before December 31 is a “very, very tall order”. According to Mamann, who has been practicing immigration law for close to 30 years, “something is going to have to be missed in order to do what Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau said he is going to do.”
In an interview with Radio Canada International (October 29, 2015), Kyle Matthews of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute said that Trudeau’s promise is going to be very difficult to meet, particularly when it comes to security screening. “The sad reality is that, yes all refugees are civilian, but there could be a few bad apples among the refugee population. So they’re going to have to check everyone’s background and that’s not a process that you could simply enter into a Google search and get the answer”.
Also on October 29, CIJnews reported that Syrian intelligence database seized by the rebel forces clearly demonstrated the severity of the risk embodied in admitting thousands of refugees without proper security checks. One of the databases, obtained by CIJnews, contained detailed information on around 130,000 Syrians, of whom thousands are described as “armed militants” and many others as operatives in rebel groups, including the radical Islamist organizations or involved in violent activities. Names and pictures of alleged Syrian war criminals, taken in Syria as well as several western countries where those alleged criminals found refuge, were posted in a Facebook group called “Criminals, Not Refugees”.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and from the toronto sun:

Up to 50,000 Syrian refugees could be in Canada by end of 2016

TORONTO - Canada will accept between 35,000 and 50,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016, Immigration Minister John McCallum says.

McCallum huddled up with provincial ministers and community organizations in Toronto Thursday to talk about planning to settle refugees in the city. The Liberal government has promised to bring in 10,000 people by Dec. 31, and another 15,000 by the end of February.


New member
Do you have a critical bone in your body or do you just prefer to blindly share click bait in hopes it will stick?

Finally, the survey also found that 13% of the displaced Syrian refugees have a positive or somewhat positive view of the terror group.
What does this even mean? What question was asked? Where was the survey conducted?

Also, the 900 people they "polled" make up 3.6% of all refugees. So, 13% of the 3.6% polled view ISIS favorably. Small minority at best and a misleading article all around.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Do you have a critical bone in your body or do you just prefer to blindly share click bait in hopes it will stick?

What does this even mean? What question was asked? Where was the survey conducted?

Also, the 900 people they "polled" make up 3.6% of all refugees. So, 13% of the 3.6% polled view ISIS favorably. Small minority at best and a misleading article all around.

0.13 x 50,000 = 6500

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
you can't imagine how porous the border is up here

and in a couple of months, there'll be a nice icy covering on the river to walk across


Well-known member
Uh, you're forgetting that ISIS is one of the organizations against their dictator Assad, and ISIS got 100% support from the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, in fact, created ISIS.


New member
Uh, you're forgetting that ISIS is one of the organizations against their dictator Assad, and ISIS got 100% support from the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, in fact, created ISIS.

Nobody's forgetting that, we've been warning of it since Obama pulled out of Iraq and (along with idiots like McCain and Graham) kept helping the Syrian insurgents, who were known at the time to be Al qaeda. Where have you been? Oh that's right, making friends with all the Muslims.


15% of "Syrian Refugees" Support ISIS!

"Narazoo's" source for this thread comes from none other than Ilana Shneider, the co-editor of CIJnews and the founding executive director of Canada-Israel Friendship Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the mutually beneficial, long-standing diplomatic, economic and cultural ties between Canada and Israel.

Shneider has taken a survey conducted by he Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and manipulated the results to promote her right-wing proIsrael political agenda.

The sample also included those living in Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Lebanon and Iraq who were in no way connected with Syrian refugees.

Shneider also cites captured Syrian government intelligence databases seized by the rebel forces which include 130,000 names of Syrians described as “armed militants,” operatives in rebel groups and members of Islamist organizations.

Given that anyone opposed to the Assad dictatorship would automatically be considered a criminal, this can hardly be considered a credible source.

Any of the refugees who truly supported ISIS would have already joined them, instead of spending years living in the squalor of a refugee camp.

The last thing that anyone, who actually supported ISIS and whose covert mission was to enter a Western host nation disguised as a refugee, would do is to jeopardize their mission by openly admitting their real sympathies in a survey!

The premise for this thread is based on a HOAX!
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New member
15% of "Syrian Refugees" Support ISIS!

"Narazoo's" source for this thread comes from none other than Ilana Shneider, the co-editor of CIJnews and the founding executive director of Canada-Israel Friendship Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the mutually beneficial, long-standing diplomatic, economic and cultural ties between Canada and Israel.

Shneider has taken a survey conducted by he Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and manipulated the results to promote her right-wing proIsrael political agenda.

The sample also included those living in Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Lebanon and Iraq who were in no way connected with Syrian refugees.

.... except everybody KNOWS that the majority of the 'Syrian refugees' swarming Europe are NOT from Syria and not refugees.

We have shown elsewhere who they are:

90% of "Syrian Refugees" are FAKES, from Pakistan and Bangladesh

Trudeau Pledges to bring 150 ISIS Terrorists per DAY into Canada

Millions of "Refugees" refuse food, water, just want money and private housing

Why Arab Gangsters become Islamic Terrorists

Liberal Canada now poses greatest Muslim Threat to the USA

ISIS using PASSPORT Machines to Infiltrate the USA

The poll is accurate in that it reflects what the nearly 2 million people invading Europe think.

you are correct in pointing out that they are not really 'Syrians' nor 'refugees'.

Shneider also cites captured Syrian government intelligence databases seized by the rebel forces which include 130,000 names of Syrians described as “armed militants,” operatives in rebel groups and members of Islamist organizations.

Given that anyone opposed to the Assad dictatorship would automatically be considered a criminal, this can hardly be considered a credible source.

Are you actually now claiming that the Islamic Extremists opposing Assad
are NOT criminals, violent murderers and ISIS sympathizers?

Next you'll be supporting the Whitehouse insanity funding these terrorists
to topple yet another stable secular dictatorship which had allowed Christians to live
in peace in a Middle Eastern country.

This policy of pretending the terrorists were 'good guys' i.e., 'Freedom fighters'
is exactly what has destabilized and destroyed the infrastructures of at least
FIVE Middle eastern and North African countries so far,
actually CAUSING the 'refugee' crisis.

Man, you're a ridiculous hypocrite.

Any of the refugees who truly supported ISIS would have already joined them, instead of spending years living in the squalor of a refugee camp.

The last thing that anyone, who actually supported ISIS and whose covert mission was to enter a Western host nation disguised as a refugee, would do is to jeopardize their mission by openly admitting their real sympathies in a survey!

Many people have the boldness to express their political views.
They don't have to be rocket scientists or the brightest bulb in the pack.

If you are claiming that all the 'refugees' in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey
have a homogenous political position and its actually liberal pacifist in nature,
you must be retarded.


Let's pay out money to the W Samoan government to take in the Syrian refugees.

Problem solved. Turn them into lambs.