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The Truth About Reality Posted on October 31, 2021 Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host face the truth together. We salute Dan Bongino for resisting the tyrants in the so called conservative media, despite the risk of loss. We laugh out loud at New York governor Kathy “Hocum” Hochul’s assertion that Colin Powell was killed by the “unvaccinated”, and almost puke at the thought of Brian Orin Whitney, (who calls himself Dana ZZyym). Even a drunken Irishman can tell the masks are now complete theater of the absurd. We salute Novak Djokovic for resisting the tyrants despite the risk of loss. And we laugh out loud again at the idea of a government Inspector General getting to the bottom of anything other than a rat hole. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak have been caught red handed lying to everyone, almost all the time, but survive by Fauching, (at least for the moment)… Alec Baldwin is being sped down the greased pole to Hell by those applying the judicial double standard to his killing of Halyna Hutchins. We salute surgeon Jeffrey Horak, MD in Fergus Falls Minnesota for resisting the tyrants despite the risk of loss. And we jeer the cowardice of FDA Vaccine Advisory Panel member Michael Kurilla, who merely abstained, while the rest of the maniacal panel set in motion a potentially catastrophic experiment on millions of American children. A Communist Chinese war movie about defeating America in the Korean War was top of the global box in October, rescue of the allies we abandoned in Afghanistan was at the bottom of the Hidembarrass Administration’s “to-do” list, and the godless, Marxist sex perverts who’ve seized the government are about to destroy the Marines! The prop-in chief of the face-mask theater of the absurd used to be a fellow named Joe Biden. Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder committed a random act in a mindless system that might fall backwards into the truth about the deviant creeps Kyle Rittenhouse killed. And an afternoon at the mall these days might involve a mass shooting, (even in Idaho). All that plus gunshots drowning out the failed mayor in St. Louis, Marine Corps Drill Instructors humbled by aircraft, casual observations of the institutionalized lawlessness in Portland, and Kevin VanStory’s view of hand-to hand combat’s place in the spiritual war. All right here at the home of real conservative talk; The Weekly Worldview. DOWNLOAD THIS WEEK'S CONSERVATIVE TALK HERE! TITLED: THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY MP3 |