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  1. themuzicman

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    How did the plane travel 16,000 miles without stopping for fuel at 1100 MPH? It can't be done. There isn't a plane in existence than can do that. So, you have yet to explain this simple problem, which this video demonstrates, BTW, as they accomplished half the flight or so in about 5 hours/...
  2. themuzicman

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    And airplane flights that occur that are impossible on a flat earth?
  3. themuzicman

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Why are only the tops of the tall buildings in Chicago visible from Michigan City, Indiana? How can we fly from Chile to Australia in 14 hours, but flying from Chicago to Australia takes 18 hours? On a flat earth map, one must fly fairly close to Chicago to get to Australia. In fact, on a...
  4. themuzicman

    Critical thinking about one's own theology

    One of the key elements to being a good theologian is being humble enough to admit that one's own systematic theology contains the biases of those who came before us, as well as our own biases. Thus, we must conclude that each systematic theology has errors, as they are all ultimately...
  5. themuzicman

    ECT Issues with every moment in history being created at the same time.

    One of the views of determinism is that the future already exists, and all things that happen were created in the same moment. Namely, the problem is cause and effect. In reality as we perceive it, if I stand on earth and hold a ball above the ground and release it, gravity will cause the ball...
  6. themuzicman

    ECT "This Generation"

    Dispensationalists have been hawking this verse to refer to the formation of Israel as a nation indicating end times for many years. However, 1949 was 67 years ago. 1967 was 49 years ago. 1973 was 43 years ago. A "generation" was at most 40 years to Christ, which is why we had "88 reasons...
  7. themuzicman

    Theology Club: Please... Everyone write this down and get it straight:

    "Free will" does not imply "unlimited ability." The fact that I cannot flap my arms and fly to the moon does not imply that lack free will in any way. Free will only speaks two statements: Agent A in circumstance B may choose possible option C. Agent A in circumstance B may choose possible...
  8. themuzicman

    ECT Modern Science and Trent

    It would appear that the Roman Catholic Church has an issue with the council of Trent. You see, Aquinas used Aristotle's philosophy to explain how the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ by stating that it was the substance of each that became body and bread, while the accidents...
  9. themuzicman

    ECT Predestination and Foreknowledge in Scripture

    I find it interesting that many claim that all things are foreknown and/or predestined, and claim that this is based upon Scripture, and yet I find that most haven't actually looked to see what is foreknown and predestined. This word study is fairly short, so I thought I'd post it here...
  10. themuzicman

    Theology Club: Open Theism and Genesis 1

    I think one of the best cases for Open Theism is found in the creation of man. The idea of dominion is that God has delegated authority over these things to man, so that man may do as he wishes with them. Being fruitful and multiplying is integral, as two people couldn't possibly take...
  11. themuzicman

    Dispensational Escatology

    So, 2019 will bring 70 years since Israel was formed as a nation. 2017 will bring 50 years since the 1967 war. 2013 was 40 years since the 1973 war. At what point does "this generation" become stretched to the point that Dispensationalism loses its credibility? Are dispensationalists dealing...
  12. themuzicman

    ECT Doctrines requires for salvation

    Do you believe one must have perfect doctrine in order to be saved? Certain doctrines perfect? What is the fundamental doctrinal requirement one must embrace in order to be saved?
  13. themuzicman

    The "Flesh" in Romans 7 and a discussion of the "sinful nature"

    First, we have to take note that this is for any who are under the law. We might interpret this to be referring to the Jews, but we could also look at Romans 2 and that all are under the law in one way or another. Second, if we look carefully at verse 5, we find that is isn't the flesh that...
  14. themuzicman

    ECT Rethinking Eschatology

    I've been pondering the various eschatologies and the problems with each, and thinking about the relevant texts that we associate with them. and I'd like to propose an idea to discuss: Scripture actually speaks about two escatologies, one for the Old Covenant (prophesied in the Old Testament...
  15. themuzicman

    Theology Club: The Lord's supper and 1 Corinthians 11

    If Paul hadn't instructed the Corinthians to engage the ritual of the Lord's Support in 1 Corinthians 11: ... because it was associated with the New Covenant, then why tell them what they were doing wrong, and then tell them how to do it right? Why not just tell them to stop? And if Paul is...