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  1. Clete

    How To Get To Heaven When You Die

    Beat me to the punch! Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
  2. Clete

    Clown World

    I don't have one.
  3. Clete

    Clown World

    Was this a joke? The entire Biden administration was one HUMONGOUS national security threat! ON PURPOSE!!! Someone made a mistake, sure, but it was totally harmless! It isn't the collassal security disaster you mindless liberals are trying to sell it as. You all are stupid and the American...
  4. Clete

    Clown World

    :ROFLMAO: You need to turn off CNN and MSNBC!
  5. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    That's one of my favorite sayings. I should say it out loud more often. It has meaning from more than one direction.
  6. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    Perhaps but I didn't see it at first myself and so I'm willing to give him some time on it. The Transcendental Argument for the existence of God. It's what I presented in post 76.
  7. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    I really don't think he understands the argument. I recall when Hilston first introduced me to the TAG. I didn't get it for the longest time! If felt contradictory to me at first. Then one day, the light came on and now I can't understand how I didn't see it from the beginning. Both the TAG...
  8. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    I did answer it! What are you even talking about? I've proven that you cannot even ask the question without presupposing that MY worldview is true! The very fact that you are here is PROOF that you are wrong! Further, reason is not just another biological function, like digestion or...
  9. Clete

    Question About Open Theism

    I know of no Open Theist who would ever suggest such a thing. There are plenty of Classical theists who would do so! Calvinists in particular very often believe that the TULIP is the very gospel itself! Biblically, however, all that is required to be saved is to believe the following things...
  10. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    I've presented more than evidence, I've present proof! You seem too dull to have perceived it.
  11. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    I'm spending my life right now calling you a liar! The worst kind of liar! The naive that lies to himself! You're not just a liar, you're a hypocrite. Throughout our entire exchange, which is all still right here for the entire world to read, I have been the one presenting actual arguments that...
  12. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    Your answer would be the brain but the argument I've already presented proves that there's more to it. You ignoring the argument doesn't count as a rebuttal. Do you claim to base your life on reason or don't you, Avajs? If so, then on what basis do you ignore rational arguments that pertain...
  13. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    Yes, I knew that already. Neither do I, except that I don't want to be perceived as taking credit for someone else's ideas. It's the ideas that matter, not who wrote them. Do you care about ideas? This sentence does not connect with what came before or after it. Still, you showing up to state...
  14. Clete

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    By who's definition? By who's definition of "outside"? By who's definition of "purview"? By who's definition of "God"? Do you even care? Do such questions ever touch your mind at all?
  15. Clete

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    It's their motive that I don't understand! Why even bother being a Christian in the first place if you're just going to ignore what God's word plainly says all over the place? And of all the weird things to get stuck on! What's the big deal if God changes His mind? (I know - immutability and all...
  16. Clete

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    This has got to be the single most irrational gem of glaring stupidity posted on TOL in months! There's a crazy dude around here somewhere that thinks Noah's contemporaries invented viruses as a form of biological warfare. You've got him beat! I mean, you don't even do a convincing job of...
  17. Clete

    Different Stuff

    I don't doubt that there is a large contingent of very influential evil people in Holywood. That much is super clear. Maybe Hanks is one of them, I don't know. Something a character he was playing did, isn't enough for me to convict the guy on, that's all.
  18. Clete

    A little comedy break....

    There's a lot of missing emojis.
  19. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    @Avajs, There is another, just as compelling, reason to reject atheism as false. Atheists almost always embrace naturalism. Meaning that they believe that everything that exists can be explained solely by natural causes and laws, without any supernatural influence; that all reality is...
  20. Clete

    Viruses are manufactured

    There's a clear cycle societies go through... A lack of resources yields hardship and hardship demands discipline, and necessity forces people to be rational. Rationality fosters virtue, and virtue strengthens society. As a result, prosperity follows. Prosperity in turn breeds comfort, comfort...