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  1. Clete

    The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis

    The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis is the first book in a new list of 100 books that everyone should read that I recently posted. I finished reading it yesterday and so I though I'd post a summary of the book here.... Summary of The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis In The Abolition of Man...
  2. Clete

    100 Essential Books for the Discerning Mind

    So, I was watching a movie several evenings ago and the main character was reading the last of a list of 100 books that everyone should read and it inspired me to find a similar list of books to read. I was somewhat surprised to find out how many such lists exist and so I enlisted the help of...
  3. Clete

    Modern Christianity Has a Serious Problem

    Modern Christianity has a serious problem. Churches today are more concerned with entertainment, emotionalism, feel-good messages and experiences than with sound doctrine, serious theological study and an honest exploration for the truth. Most Christians are content with an intellectually...
  4. Clete

    Evolve 2025!

    Those of you who have a long history with Bob Enyart's ministry will remember a computer program that a friend of his had written that randomized the alphabet and checked to see how many letters ended up in the correct locations. I asked Chat GPT to create a program that does the same thing and...
  5. Clete

    Is the Sin Nature Inherited Through the Father?

    The doctrine of inherited sin, or the sin nature, is a central tenet of Christian theology. It raises the question of how sin is transmitted from generation to generation and whether Scripture supports the claim that it is passed specifically through the father rather than the mother. This essay...
  6. Clete

    The Superiority of Open Theism Over Both Calvinism and Arminianism

    The following essay is the result of an experiment I performed with a very specific sort of prompt that I used in ChatGPT. I wanted an essay that could serve as a primer for those interested in understanding how Open Theism differs from the "Settled View" and why those who hold to it consider it...
  7. Clete

    Christianity Minus Just Two Unbiblical Ideas

    There are two Greek philosophical ideas that have had an inordinate impact on Christian doctrine over the centuries. Absolute immutability, where God cannot change in any way whatsoever Divine Timelessness, where God is not at all temporal and exists entirely outside of time We talk a lot...
  8. Clete

    Skull Hill or Holy Sepulchre

    Personally, I have been taught from the time I was a child that the so called "Garden Tomb" is the tomb in which Jesus was laid and from which He arose and that He was crucified on the very nearby hill which to this day has an escarpment that resembles a skull. However, I don't recall any...
  9. Clete

    Why Panentheism is False.

    Panentheism is the view that the universe is part of God while He also transcends it. This doctrine blurs the Creator-creature distinction that is foundational to biblical revelation. In this thread, I want to present and examine some biblical and philosophical arguments arguments against...
  10. Clete

    A Moment of Honesty From an Atheist

    I watched a video that cited the following quote. I was so impressed with it that I wanted to share it with you guys here. Remember it the next time some atheist accuses you of making the "God did it." argument. It is they who make such an argument, only it isn't God its mindless evolution over...
  11. Clete

    Do You Understand the Words That Are Coming Out of My Mouth!?

    Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility: An Examination of Reformed Theology's Terminology One of the central debates in Christian theology, particularly in regard to the Reformed tradition, is the relationship between God's sovereignty and human responsibility. Reformed theology, as...
  12. Clete

    Hymn Lyrics

    I don't know about you but I listen to a lot of hymns. We used to sing them at church when I was kid and the further modern churches have gotten from singing them, the more they lost me as even an attendee, never mind an active member. I particularly enjoy watching the Bill Gaither videos. The...
  13. Clete

    Engaged Perfection: : The Relational Nature of God

    I've been doing some reading and studying lately. Much of which is in response to some rather wacky arguments that I've been confronted with concerning the issue of divine immutability. I had someone actually attempt to argument that the doctrine of divine immutability logically required the...
  14. Clete

    How Can A Just God Work With King David?

    I was recently discussing the justice of the death penalty when the person I was talking with brought up the fact that God didn't have David executed for murdering Uriah the Hittite, nor did He let Saul's involvement in Stephen's stoning, which if it wasn't murder, it was certainly an unjust...
  15. Clete

    This Puzzle Has Me Stumped!!

    I need some help solving this puzzle. I've fiddled with it for hours and hours and I just cannot figure it out. I've looked online for solutions and it seems to be a quite unique version of this puzzle to the point that there isn't a single example of it anywhere online - until now, of...
  16. Clete

    What Time Dilation ACTUALLY Is In Relativity (Hint: It has nothing to do with time)

    The two videos below are, without a doubt, the best videos I have ever seen that deal with Einstein's Theory of Relativity in a manner that does not require the ontological existence of time or space and the difference between physics (ontological) vs. mathematics (epistemological). "It is not...
  17. Clete

    Activity on Other Christian Web Forums

    So, recently I've been active on a couple of other web forums. I won't name them because I strongly suspect that my experience would be the same wherever I went - except for here - and so it doesn't matter which ones they were. There is one site that I posted on yesterday and this morning...
  18. Clete

    My First Interesting Interaction With ChatGPT

    I've not delved much at all into ChatGPT and the little bit I have has been rather uninteresting really. This morning, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep and so decided to ask ChatGPT what the word Logos meant. Here's the results.... Clete: What is the best English translation for...
  19. Clete

    I Despise Most Christians!

    What percentage of Christians believe God predestined this evil world we live in? What percentage of Christians are just blatant hypocrites? What percentage of Christians go to Sunday school class primarily to catch up on everyone's dirty laundry list (a.k.a. prayer requests)? What percentage...
  20. Clete

    Pro-Life Comedy!

    Maybe the bravest comedian alive!