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  1. ok doser

    Maybe The Left Is Just Retarded

    I don't know how else to explain the fact that 74 million people voted for Harris. And then there's this...
  2. ok doser


    Ralph Fiennes, John Lithgow and Stanley Tucci among others. What could go wrong?
  3. ok doser

    Armageddon Outta Here!

    The news leading up to this is that the senile POTUS has given the green light for Ukraine to use US armaments inside the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has responded by changing their rules of engagement to make it more likely that they will respond with a nuclear exchange. Western European...
  4. ok doser


    I've got more Obama stuff otherwise I might have put this in a Rogan thread The red pilling of Rogan is coming along nicely
  5. ok doser

    Elon the Muskinator!

    Whether or not the Deep State lets Trump live until the swearing in on January 20th there's so much buzz around Elon at the moment I think he deserves his own thread...
  6. ok doser

    Deranged Leftist Meltdowns
  7. ok doser

    Assassination Attempt #3, coming soon to a presidential campaign near you!
  8. ok doser


    So what would the proper etiquette be in the case of say an immigrant raping a German woman? Do you wait till he's done before you approach him?
  9. ok doser

    Tanking Harris Throws a Hail Mary, Agrees to Fox

    Wednesday at 6:00. Def planning to watch
  10. ok doser

    Trump Assassination Attempt #3.1

  11. ok doser

    Debate: JD Vance vs Tampon Timmy the Cowardly Liar

    Didn't watch it live, probably won't bother to now. Getting kind of burned out. But when I run across clips like this I'll share them. CBS News scumbag "reporters" fact checking Vance, claiming that the Haitian migrants in Springfield are legal, try to shut him off when he reminds them that...
  12. ok doser

    Trump Assassination Attempt #3

  13. ok doser

    Trump Assassination Attempt #2
  14. ok doser

    Hypocritical Silly Old Man in a Dress “It should be clear that sending migrants away, denying migrants the capacity to work, to not welcome migrants, it is a sin. It is grave,” Francis said, according to CBS.
  15. ok doser

    The MSM - de facto Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party

    Been covering this in lots of other threads but I thought it deserved its own. In the clip below you see a smirking Joe Scarborough. Boy would I love to wipe that smirk off his face and make him eat his teeth. The difference today from what they've done in the past is that they're not even...
  16. ok doser

    Godzilla Minus One

    About 2/3 of the way through this and really enjoying it. I would recommend it even if you're not a fan of Godzilla type movies
  17. ok doser

    Trump Harris debate

    Not going to try and recount it in real time, probably come back later and hit the high points, do a summary
  18. ok doser

    Trump on X With Elon Musk

    Maybe they should just try to shoot him again.
  19. ok doser

    Who's going to replace Joe the Rapist?
  20. ok doser

    Trump Assassination Attempt #1

    Thought this was worth its own thread as it's developing into a a huge story. Haven't followed too much of the ongoing chatter online, caught a little bit of it. Looking forward to the Congressional hearings, I believe one is today. I have two questions if anybody is following this more closely...