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  1. Jefferson

    Which Is More Wicked: Israel or America?

    Which Is More Wicked: Israel or America? This is the show from Tuesday August 5th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart talks about Syria killing more than 100,000 Muslims in their war yet the UN and liberals everywhere accuse Israel of genocide and racism for killing 2,000 Palestinians, and about the...
  2. Jefferson

    The Beginning of the End?

    The Beginning of the End? This is the show from Monday August 4th, 2014 Summary: * This is the End Bob & co-host Doug McBurney comment on Matt Staver’s recent comments regarding the “…beginning of the end of Western Civilization” given during his “Living in the Shade of Vesuvius” lecture. *...
  3. Jefferson

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 7

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 7 This is the show from Friday August 1st, 2014 Summary: * Now the Conclusion of this BEL Broadcast Event: Today we air the conclusion of the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart Live...
  4. Jefferson

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 6

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 6 This is the show from Thursday July 31st, 2014 Summary: Today we air Part Six of the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart Live. Richard Holland is assistant professor of apologetics...
  5. Jefferson

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 5

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 5 This is the show from Wednesday July 30th, 2014 Summary: Today we air Part Five of the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart Live. Richard Holland is assistant professor of...
  6. Jefferson

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 4

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 4 This is the show from Tuesday July 29th, 2014 Summary: Today we air Part Four of the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart Live. Richard Holland is assistant professor of apologetics...
  7. Jefferson

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 3

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 3 This is the show from Monday July 28th, 2014 Summary: Today we air Part Three of the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart Live. Richard Holland is assistant professor of apologetics...
  8. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 2

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 2 This is the show from Friday July 25th, 2014 Summary: * A Special Edition of Real Science Radio: Today we air Part Two of what our staff believes is the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of...
  9. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation

    Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation This is the show from Thursday July 24th, 2014 Summary: * A Significant Broadcast Event: Today KGOV begins to air what our staff believes is the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart...
  10. Jefferson

    Palestinians, Illegal Aliens & Republicans

    Palestinians, Illegal Aliens & Republicans This is the show from Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 Summary: * Swimming the Rio Grande vs Born of Water Bob & co-host Doug discuss the flood of illegal aliens in Texas, (which is outpacing the Texas birth rate). Hear about...
  11. Jefferson

    James White vs. Bob Enyart: Closing Statements

    James White vs. Bob Enyart: Closing Statements This is the show from Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 Summary: * Enyart and Michael Sugar Air the Closing Statements: Bob Enyart and co-host Michael Sugar air the Closing Statements from Bob’s Open Theism debate with reformed theologian James White...
  12. Jefferson

    James White Cross-Examines Bob Enyart

    James White Cross-Examines Bob Enyart This is the show from Monday July 21st, 2014 Summary: * Enyart and McBurney Air the James White Cross: Bob Enyart and co-host roll tape from Bob’s Open Theism debate with reformed theologian James White. Join Bob and Doug as...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Creation News and Bob's Brown Palace Debate

    Creation News and Bob's Brown Palace Debate This is the show from Friday July 18th, 2014 Summary: * RSR on Science News & Bob's Important Debate: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams start off having fun reporting on the latest science news from Creation magazine and then...
  14. Jefferson

    Seven Stories of Communion

    Theology Thursday - Seven Stories of Communion This is the show from Thursday July 17th, 2014 Summary: * Symbols of His Sacrifice: Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart shares seven stories form the Bible that are symbols of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Monthly Sermons now on...
  15. Jefferson

    James White vs. Bob Enyart: Cross Examination

    James White vs. Bob Enyart: Cross Examination This is the show from Wednesday July 16th, 2014 Summary: XTgWMX0O5eY&fmt=18 * Broadcasting James White's Open Theism Debate: By broadcasting last week's open theism debate between Dr. James White and Pastor Bob Enyart, that event before a live...
  16. Jefferson

    James White vs. Bob Enyart: The Rebuttals

    James White vs. Bob Enyart: The Rebuttals This is the show from Tuesday July 15th, 2014 Summary: XTgWMX0O5eY&fmt=18 * Broadcasting James White's Open Theism Debate: By broadcasting last week's open theism debate between Dr. James White and Pastor Bob Enyart, that event before a live...
  17. Jefferson

    James White vs. Bob Enyart on BEL

    James White vs. Bob Enyart on BEL This is the show from Monday July 14th, 2014 Summary: XTgWMX0O5eY&fmt=18 By broadcasting last week's open theism debate between Dr. James White and Pastor Bob Enyart, that event before a live audience of 150 people at Denver's Brown Palace hotel will now be...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: QuakeFinder's Bleier on Earthquake Prediction

    QuakeFinder's Bleier on Earthquake Prediction This is the show from Friday July 11th, 2014 Summary: * To Save Lives and Understand the World: The mission of QuakeFinder is to save lives by finding a way to forecast major earthquakes. Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews Tom Bleier...
  19. Jefferson

    Do You Know the Bible?

    Theology Thursday: Do You Know the Bible? This is the show from Thursday July 10th, 2014 Summary: Bible Story: Bob shows us the parallels between the Old Testament and the New Testament and how it helps us understand the story of the Bible. Monthly Sermons now on Blu-ray Now you can now...
  20. Jefferson

    Jo Scott And Guest Discuss Last Night's Debate

    Jo Scott And Guest Discuss Last Night's Debate This is the show from Wednesday July 9th, 2014 Summary: * James White vs. Bob Enyart -- Open Theism Debate: For various debate resources including the audio (possibly available by July 10th, the text of Bob's opening statement and first...