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  1. Jefferson


    Theology Thursday: Divisions This is the show from Thursday April 30th, 2015 Summary: Bob shares a message on why the church is so divided and what divides us. 1 Kings Bible Study As David's life is draining from him, the nation of Israel is set to enter its most terribly trying times...
  2. Jefferson

    Brad from Vancouver laments Canada's moral demise

    Brad from Vancouver laments Canada's moral demise This is the show from Wednesday April 29th, 2015 Summary: A BEL listener, Brad from British Columbia, tells Bob that Canada too is in a moral free fall. After the program, BEL's lines lit up with folks moved by Brad's extraordinary call...
  3. Jefferson

    Who's more confused: Jenner or Beck?

    Who's more confused: Jenner or Beck? This is the show from Monday April 27th, 2015 Summary: Bruce Jenner says he's a woman for all intents and purposes... except that he's not. And Glenn Beck says that he's done with the Republicans... except that he's not. Oh, and then there's Hillary...
  4. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Oxford Prof: Central Darwinian Assumptions Disproved

    Oxford Prof: Central Darwinian Assumptions Disproved This is the show from Friday April 24th, 2015 Summary: * Darwinism Disproved: A British biology professor, Oxford University's Dr. Denis Noble, wrote in the journal Experimental Physiology, "that all the central assumptions of the Modern...
  5. Jefferson

    The Stephen Chronicles Pt. 7

    Theology Thursday: The Stephen Chronicles Pt. 7 This is the show from Thursday April 23rd, 2015 Summary: * Who was Stephen? In Acts 7, we read the account of Stephen. While the Bible doesn't tell us a lot about him, the fact that this account is included in the Bible, speaks of its...
  6. Jefferson

    Former Audio Guy for Denver's ABC 7News on BEL

    Former Audio Guy for Denver's ABC 7News on BEL This is the show from Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 Summary: Dave Kintzele, the former audio guy for ABC's The Denver Channel, talks with Bob Enyart about the last 24 years of Bob Enyart Live, including those months when Bob hosted his daily...
  7. Jefferson

    Gay Weddings, Government Schools & Legalism

    Gay Weddings, Government Schools & Legalism This is the show from Tuesday April 21st, 2015 Summary: * Is it Legalism… to warn others that they’re sinning when they send their kids to the government schools? Bob and co-host Doug McBurney go to the scriptures to show that it’s not legalism. *...
  8. Jefferson

    Tebow Comes Back, RE-publicans Admit Failure

    Tebow Comes Back, RE-publicans Admit Failure This is the show from Monday April 20th, 2015 Summary: * Tebow Comes Back: Bob & co-host Doug McBurney celebrate the fact that Tim Tebow is being allowed to make an NFL comeback despite never having murdered anyone, never having beat up his...
  9. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    “Pro-Choice” Protestors on Texas Campus Try to Get a Pro-Life Display Taken Down To read the rest of the story click HERE
  10. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Darwin vs Mosquito Reproduction & Bee Vomit

    RSR: Darwin vs Mosquito Reproduction & Bee Vomit This is the show from Friday April 17th, 2015 Summary: * The Latest Creation Magazine: is a tour de force against evolution and atheism. Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams love reporting on its articles, but reject one...
  11. Jefferson

    The Stephen Chronicles Pt. 6

    Theology Thursday: The Stephen Chronicles Pt. 6 This is the show from Thursday April 16th, 2015 Summary: * Who was Stephen? In Acts 7, we read the account of Stephen. While the Bible doesn't tell us a lot about him, the fact that this account is included in the Bible, speaks of its...
  12. Jefferson

    McBurney Talks Gov’t Schools with Ray Fournier

    McBurney Talks Gov’t Schools with Ray Fournier This is the show from Wednesday April 15th, 2015 Summary: * Is it a Sin… to send your kids to the government school? Guest host Doug McBurney interviews Ray Fournier about his upcoming Worldview Christian Academy Event “The Great Education...
  13. Jefferson

    Questions Jesus Asks

    McBurney talks “Questions Jesus Asks” with Israel Wayne This is the show from Tuesday April 14th, 2015 Summary: * Questions & Answers: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney interviews Homeschool graduate & father of eight Israel Wayne about his new book, “Questions Jesus Asks”. Listen in and...
  14. Jefferson

    The Real War On Women

    The Real War On Women This is the show from Monday April 13th, 2015 Summary: Jo Scott & Leslie Hanks discuss 'The Real War On Women' driven by the left and the abortion industry with Planned Parenthood at the helm. Topics include the recent Longmont murder of Baby Aurora Wilkins, Tom...
  15. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio vs. The Blood Moon Prophecy Fad

    RSR vs. The Blood Moon Prophecy Fad This is the show from Friday April 10th, 2015 Summary: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart attempts to rebut the Blood Moon fad popularized by televangelist John Hagee and originated by Pastor Mark Biltz. Basic astronomy explains why lunar eclipses occur in...
  16. Jefferson

    The Stephen Chronicles Pt. 5

    Theology Thursday: The Stephen Chronicles Pt. 5 This is the show from Thursday April 9th, 2015 Summary: * Who was Stephen? In Acts 7, we read the account of Stephen. While the Bible doesn't tell us a lot about him, the fact that this account is included in the Bible, speaks of its...
  17. Jefferson

    Bob & You: Making a Video Against the Big Bang

    Bob & You: Making a Video Against the Big Bang This is the show from Wednesday April 8th, 2015 Summary: Bob Enyart asks for your help in producing our Evidence Against the Big Bang video. If you're in the Denver area next week beginning on Tuesday, we could use your help as a volunteer crew...
  18. Jefferson

    Bob Going to Pepperdine University Protest Conference

    Bob Going to Pepperdine University Protest Conference This is the show from Tuesday April 7th, 2015 Summary: While preparing for next week's filming of our Evidence Against the Big Bang video, Bob Enyart also announced that he'll be speaking at an alternative God and Science conference...
  19. Jefferson

    Huffington Post Contributor Jason Salzman on BEL

    Huffington Post Contributor Jason Salzman on BEL This is the show from Monday April 6th, 2015 Summary: * Salzman Tries To Speak Out Against Infanticide: Bob Enyart interviews in studio Huffington Post contributor Jason Salzman about his failure to condemn the advocacy of infanticide in the...
  20. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio's Case Against Pot: 2015

    Real Science Radio's Case Against Pot: 2015 This is the show from Friday April 3rd, 2015 Summary: Bob Enyart and RSR guest co-host Doug McBurney present the latest peer-reviewed studies, and review the last couple decades of studies showing how destructive marijuana is. Also, from their...