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  1. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick for 8/18/03

    Here for context.
  2. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 8/17/03

  3. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 8-14-03

    Here for context. I've been trying not to pick moderator's or administrator's posts for my picks. But, Knight gave my thoughts on this subject.
  4. ebenz47037

    Widowed - Homeschooling Before and After

    I know that I've posted this here before, but I couldn't find it when I searched for it. And, I promise whole armor that I would post my homeschooling story up here. Nori **************************************** Widowed - Homeschooling Before and After I began homeschooling my, then seven...
  5. ebenz47037

    That time already?

    How many of you homeschooling moms and dads dread this time of year? I know I do. I hate the time period from the last month before school starts (August for us) through the end of the first month of school. I just have too much to do and not enough time in the day to complete it all. The...
  6. ebenz47037

    Davis signs Cross-Dressing Bill Everytime I read any news from the state of California, it makes me so glad I left there four and a half years ago. This new law would definitely have convinced my husband to leave that state. Everytime I turn...
  7. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 8-5-03

    Here for context.
  8. ebenz47037

    Attention, everyone!

    It has come to my attention that I have been rude lately. Since, I've been extremely busy for the last week or so, I would like to publicly thank Joe The Baptist for standing up for me. I don't have as much time to be on the computer lately. So, I figure I should do this now. Thank you, Joe!
  9. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-29-03

    Here. :thumb:
  10. ebenz47037

    No Charity for the Boy Scouts This article is written by an eagle scout and I think he makes some very good points. This liberal attitude that our courts have taken is getting ridiculous! I think the BSA should be applauded for their stand for morality.
  11. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-20-03

    Here for context.
  12. ebenz47037

    Test is Last Chance for Teachers And, these are the people responsible for teaching our children? Sounds to me like they know less than they should (if not less than the students) about the subjects they are teaching.
  13. ebenz47037

    Many U.S. teachers don't know their stuff, Congress report says

    Many U.S. teachers don't know their stuff, Congress report says WASHINGTON -- Nearly half of the nation's middle and high school teachers were not highly qualified to teach their topics in 2000, a report to Congress says. Federal law...
  14. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-18-03

    Here. Very deep, RogerB! :thumb:
  15. ebenz47037

    Kid genius just can't get ahead

    Kid Genius Can't Get Ahead Angela Lipsman is a really smart kid, but a really, really dumb rule is keeping the 15-year-old from getting a college degree. Angela, who skipped high school and went straight to college last year, has earned her associate's degree and is on her way to a bachelor's...
  16. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-12-03

    Here for context.
  17. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-10-03

    I know it's early in the day. But, we're supposed to have thunderstorms again today and I won't be online later. Tye has finally made my pick of the day! Here for context.
  18. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-7-03

  19. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-4-03

    Here. Bravo, :sozo:! Bravo!
  20. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-3-03

    Here for context.