Search results

  1. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 2-9-08

    Knight got this one for stating what I feel for Mystery so succinctly (although, he was saying it about himself, of course). :jump: :first:
  2. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 2-4-08

    My pick is by nicholsmom. I think that she made some great points about the state of public education, in the US, today. And, she gave great reasons for homeschooling, too. :D
  3. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 1-19-08

    Agape4Robin got my POTD for this post: Great post, Robin! :first:
  4. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 1-13-08

    Although not many here agree with my views on forgiveness, I have to give King Frog my POTD for this post: Usually, when I say that I've forgiven an unrepentant person who has done something wrong to me, I'm talking about letting go and not holding a grudge. I, too, was an abused child. I...
  5. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 1-5-08

  6. ebenz47037

    Nori's Top 20 Posts of 2007

    Since I have 20 posts for this, and some of them are somewhat long, I'm breaking my list up. Here are my first five selections for Post of the Year: Nori's Top 20 posts of 2007 Posts 20-16 20. For answering a fool according to his folly, Gerald gets this spot. Check out post #2 in this...
  7. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 12-24-07

    PastorKevin gets my POTD for this post:
  8. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 12-17-07

    Wise words from a young man: D2I, you are definitely right, in this case. It's as easy to fall out of love as it is to fall in love. :first:
  9. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 12-10-07

    Nick M gets my POTD for this post: :chuckle: :first:
  10. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 12-6-07

    Spitfire gets my POTD for this post: :darwinsm: :first:
  11. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 11-24-07

    Maximeee gets my POTD for this post: It's always good to point out that this is a two-sided discussion. :)
  12. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 11-11-07

    Jeremiah got my POTD today for this post: I've known several women who had preclampsia and/or tubal pregnancies. I have to say that while facing the fact that these things do happen, you've handled this strawman argument very well. Why do pro-aborts try to throw the life of the mother into...
  13. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 11-5-07

    You're right, Nate. Abortion is used as birth control.
  14. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 11-2-07

    Here: Excellent use of smilies and humor. :chuckle:
  15. ebenz47037

    Fourth Annual TOL Christmas Card Exchange

    I can't believe that it's already coming again! Every year, we send Christmas cards to each other. If you are interested in joining the group, PM me your mailing info by November 21 (the day before Thanksgiving). I will compile a list of the addresses and PM it to everyone on the list by...
  16. ebenz47037

    I need a little help

    I got a form from Social Security ,today, saying that unless she's still in school, my daughter will lose her social security benefits on her eighteenth birthday (1/3). I called them to ask about homeschooling and they couldn't help me at all. The closest thing I got to an answer was, "Is your...
  17. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 10-12-07

    BillyBob's been taking a beating for some of his posts, lately. But, these two get my POTD. I couldn't have said it better myself!
  18. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 9-30-07

    King Frog gets my POTD for this post:
  19. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 9-11-07

    A big heads up to you all about Aimey! Looks like someone has her head on straight. Her post #37 in the thread, "I support the right to choose!" is right on as far as I'm concerned. :first:
  20. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 8-2-07

    Here for context: WTG, V45! :first: