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  1. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 1-29-14

  2. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 12-23-13

    Post of the Day :first: Knight you might want to take a look at this one for your upcoming awards show!
  3. Delmar

    Snow blower in the kitchen

    My wife's aunt and uncle moved to Tennessee so we inherited their snow blower. The engine doesn't want to start in the cold and my garage is not heated so. There is a snow blower in my kitchen.
  4. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 10-13-13

    :first: Post of the Day!
  5. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 9-12-13

    Amen! Post of the Day! :first:
  6. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 6-12-13

    :rotfl: POD :first:
  7. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 5-17-13

    Post of the Day! :first:
  8. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 4-7-13

    :first: Post of the Day!
  9. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 4-6-13

    Post of the Day :first:
  10. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 4-5-13

    You don't have to prattle on on on to speak a powerful truth! :first: Post of the Day!
  11. Delmar

    Spammers wasteland

    The last time I deleted a post that I deemed to be unhelpful :spam: it ignited a firestorm of cries of censorship. So I decided to create a place to copy such posts. This way the thread in question is not derailed to badly and people will know where the post went. Enjoy!
  12. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 1-22-13

    Exactly right! Post of the Day! :first:
  13. Delmar

    Delmar's POD 1-10-13

    :first: Ah the wisdom of the gray!