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  1. Jefferson

    Good News!

    Far-Left Washington Post Announces Massive Layoffs After Losing 500K Subscribers
  2. Jefferson

    Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ (Pt. 1)

    Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ (Pt. 1) This is the show from Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 SUMMARY: Today on The Dominic Enyart Show we continue our worldview series by beginning a miniseries within. Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ. Today we look at the suffering...
  3. Jefferson

    Where Was Jesus After the Cross? 1 Peter 3

    Where Was Jesus After the Cross? 1 Peter 3 This is the show from Monday, December 12th, 2022 SUMMARY: * Between His Death and Resurrection, Where Was the Lord? Meet the Apostle Peter in Bob Enyart's important Bible study on First and Second Peter. Today's radio broadcast is a fascinating...
  4. Jefferson

    Daniel Kish is Batman

    Daniel Kish is Batman This is the show from Friday, December 9th, 2022 SUMMARY: *Visioneers: Hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney welcome Daniel Kish to Real Science Radio. Daniel has been called the “Batman” because he uses echolocation to compensate for his blindness. And he really gets...
  5. Jefferson

    Isaiah Pt. 10

    ThThurs: Isaiah Pt. 10 This is the show from Thursday, December 8th, 2022 SUMMARY: * The Prophet Isaiah: Thus saith the Lord. From the first chapter to the last, through this ministry in Judah, God’s voice is heard loud and clear. Not surprisingly, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah confronts the...
  6. Jefferson

    What is the Meaning of Life?

    What is the Meaning of Life? This is the show from Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 SUMMARY: On The Dominic Enyart Show, we don’t shy away from big questions. Today we’re asking, “what is the meaning/purpose of life?” While the world might tell us it’s to be happy, the Bible tells us it’s...
  7. Jefferson

    Worldview: God Cannot Murder

    Worldview: God Cannot Murder This is the show from Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 SUMMARY: God cannot murder (by definition).
  8. Jefferson

    RSR's List of Big Bang Predictions

    RSR's List of Big Bang Predictions This is the show from Monday, December 5th, 2022 SUMMARY: Evidence for the Big Bang: NASA, Lawrence Krauss, et al., say it's the theory's predictions. [Updated Jan 10, 2021] The Big Bang's Failed Predictions and Failures to Predict: As documented below...
  9. Jefferson

    The Twitter Files

    Here’s How The CDC Used A Backchannel With Twitter To Control The COVID-19 Narrative
  10. Jefferson

    Arguments Creationists Should Not Use Part II

    Arguments Creationists Should Not Use Part II This is the show from Friday, December 2nd, 2022 SUMMARY: *More Arguments: Listen is as Fred and Doug McBurney review and comment upon Creation Science’s most exhaustive lists of arguments we should not use, (with agreement on most, like...
  11. Jefferson

    Isaiah Pt. 9

    ThThurs: Isaiah Pt. 9 This is the show from Thursday, December 1st, 2022 SUMMARY: * The Prophet Isaiah: Thus saith the Lord. From the first chapter to the last, through this ministry in Judah, God’s voice is heard loud and clear. Not surprisingly, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah confronts the...
  12. Jefferson

    The Problem of Evil

    The Problem of Evil This is the show from Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 SUMMARY: Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we take on the challenge, “If a good and loving, all-powerful God exists, why do bad things happen?” The typical response from Christians like C.S. Lewis or Bob Enyart is...
  13. Jefferson

    The Bible has an Unavoidable Flavor of Realism

    The Bible has an Unavoidable Flavor of Realism This is the show from Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 SUMMARY: Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we continue with our worldview series and find that the Bible passes all the tests. The Bible, conclusively, is the Word of God. Where do we go...
  14. Jefferson

    Where is the Certificate of Divorce God Gave Israel?

    Where is the Certificate of Divorce God Gave Israel? This is the show from Monday, November 28th, 2022 SUMMARY: On today’s broadcast classic, we go back to to hear a message from the late great Bob Enyart detailing the story of God’s marriage, then the divorce of His...
  15. Jefferson

    The Biden Administration is Engaged in Child Prostitution

    SICK: Nine-month Project Veritas investigation with HHS whistleblower reveals how White House is participating in human trafficking, child prostitution
  16. Jefferson

    Arguments Creationists Should Not Use Part I

    Arguments Creationists Should Not Use Part I This is the show from Friday, November 25th, 2022 SUMMARY: *Whitewashing Pasteur: Fred presents some incredible facts about Louis Pasteur from a recent article at, (but they left other more important facts out)! *Evidence Over...
  17. Jefferson

    Epistle to the Galatians Pt. 13

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Galatians Pt. 13 This is the show from Thursday, November 24th, 2022 SUMMARY: Letter to the Galatians: For over twenty-five years Bob Enyart has studied God"s Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can...
  18. Jefferson

    Worldview | Biblical Inconsistencies Part 3

    Worldview | Biblical Inconsistencies Part 3 This is the show from Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022 SUMMARY: Welcome to The Dominic Enyart Show, today is the 11th installment in our worldview series. We continue our tests of the Bible and we’re going through supposed “Bible contradictions”.
  19. Jefferson

    Thanksgiving at Denver Bible Church

    Thanksgiving at Denver Bible Church This is the show from Monday, November 21st, 2022 SUMMARY: It's Monday so we're going back to 2015 for our broadcast classic! With Thanksgiving coming up, we're listening in on a sermon Bob gave about thankfulness to the Lord. Without Him, we would have...
  20. Jefferson

    The Setterfield Cosmology with Joe Spears Part IV

    The Setterfield Cosmology with Joe Spears Part IV This is the show from Friday, November 18th, 2022 SUMMARY: *Constants & Plasma Cosmology: RSR welcomes back Joe Spears and Doug McBurney to look further into the Setterfield Plasma Cosmology, and why the “constants” of physics might not...