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  1. Ask Mr. Religion

    Calvinism: What are The Five Points

    A brief review of the five points of Calvinism, TULIP, follows: TOTAL DEPRAVITY (Radical Corruption) - "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jer 17:9) Man has a will and his will is in bondage to his nature. The will of man is free to choose...
  2. Ask Mr. Religion

    Biblical Commentary Recommendations

    I often am asked about recommendations for commentaries on the Bible. Below is a collection of recommendations by a man who I respect for his scholarship on these matters. Source: Index to Commentary Recommendations « Green Baggins Further comments on these recommendations and more are: 1...
  3. Ask Mr. Religion

    What Does Change Mean for God?

    God does not become different in some particular (i.e., change). God is eternally the same in all that He has revealed to us in His general and special revelations. God does not change in His relations to His creatures. God’s creatures change in relation to Him. We love God, He loves us...
  4. Ask Mr. Religion

    Calvin and TULIP

    Many may not realize that the Calvinistic acrostic, TULIP, did not originate with Calvin. Soon after the death of Jacob Arminius his followers organized a Remonstrance (a formal protest), presenting five points to the Church of Holland seeking to have its catechism and Belgic Confession...
  5. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Great Commission

    Does the Great Commission apply to all believers? We find in 1 Cor 14:26, 33, 40, that everything in the church is to be done decently, in order, peacefully, and for edification. Elsewhere we read the office of elder was charged with the leadership and the governance of the church, and to do...
  6. Ask Mr. Religion

    So You Want to Be an Apologist?

    Apologetics is a gift for some, but not everyone. If you want to claim that you are an apologist, then here is a link to an outline of sorts containing the kind of information an apologist would be expected to know: Apologetics Examination AMR
  7. Ask Mr. Religion

    God and Time

    A debate on the topic:
  8. Ask Mr. Religion

    Proper Understanding of Grammatical-Historical Hermeneutics

    I don't deny the use of the historical-grammatical methods as they should be properly understood. From the grammatical aspect, the Scriptures and all other books are written in a human language and all the rules of understanding any language apply. Unfortunately, the grammatical aspect...
  9. Ask Mr. Religion

    Works and Faith - James vs. Paul

    Paul teaches us that attempts by men to overcome their limitations through works to seek approval by God are in vain--man's vanity. For Paul, man must acknowledge his unworthiness and place all their confidence in God's mercy for man's acceptance before Him. When James speaks of faith and...
  10. Ask Mr. Religion

    Bible Translations and Tradition

    I prefer the Byzantine manuscript tradition for my New Testament Bible translations, e.g., KJV or NKJV. I use the two Englishman's Greek and Hebrew concordance volumes often when working with the Hebrew and the Greek. I often work directly with the The Greek New Testament for Beginning...
  11. Ask Mr. Religion

    My Views on Open Theism

    Answers to questions from Bob Enyart, Pastor of Denver Bible Church: A two-on-one discussion: More: My views on Open Theism AMR
  12. Ask Mr. Religion

    What is a Presbyterian?

    I am a Presbyterian. I am a member of a conservative group of Presbyterians: The PCA. What does it mean to be a Presbyterian? Here is a very short summary: AMR
  13. Ask Mr. Religion

    AMR's Statement of Faith

    My Statement of Faith:
  14. Ask Mr. Religion

    One on One: Ghost's Views of The Nature of Christ

    I want to thank Ghost, also known here at TOL as Sozo, Mystery, or Door, for agreeing to this discussion. We have both agreed to these rules per Ghost's request: 1. One question at a time 2. We don't move to a new question, until the first question is settled that we are either in agreement or...
  15. Ask Mr. Religion

    Colossians' SPOTD from AMR

    Simply outstanding. Study it carefully. AMR
  16. Ask Mr. Religion

    Why do you remain a blue subscriber?

    The TOL-A-THON has me thinking of late as to why those that have made over 500 posts here remain non-subscribers. You would be one whose userID is shown in blue typeface. I think I am qualified to ask the question, as I have subscribed here since day one, and Lord knows, I have the infractions...
  17. Ask Mr. Religion

    AMR's SPOTD 1-11-2008

    Evoken just keeps getting better and better. In my pick for SPOTD, Evo outlines the proper nature God, and of the relationship between the persons of the Godhead. Evo's post refutes a position held by Lion that claimed the Second Person of the Trinity could, by some sinful actions, "not have...
  18. Ask Mr. Religion

    One on One: BR X - A Calvinist's Response (Ask Mr. Religion vs. Enyart)

    In a few days I will respond, via a single post herein, to all of the 50 questions that were posed by Bob Enyart in the September 2005 BR X thread. Bob believes that in the BR X debates, the purported unresponsiveness of Dr. Lamerson left too many questions unanswered or evasively answered: I...