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  1. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, PKevman

    Happy Birthday PKevman! :the_wave::the_wave::the_wave:
  2. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Stripe

    Happy Birthday! :the_wave::the_wave:
  3. Tambora

    Body and Soul

    Was listening to one of Bob Enyart's broadcast dated June 6, 2014. Here's the link if you want to listen to the whole broadcast: He made this interesting comment, of which I will paraphrase. It is the brain which stores our memories. But at death, the brain turns...
  4. Tambora

    Jefferson on photographer of gay marriage

    Love it! Cracked me up too! Jefferson's solution to a Christian photographer that did not want to photograph a gay marriage.
  5. Tambora

    AMR on Islam

    "The conclusion? Not the same God of Scripture." Amen to that!
  6. Tambora

    Way 2 Go nails it!

    TOL has some mighty fine newbies! Way 2 Go tackles grace vs. works. I just live this place! Yay TOL!
  7. Tambora

    Choleric lays downs the SMACK

    Choleric battling with those that claim the keeping of the law is necessary to remain saved. So glad TOL has folks like you, Choleric!
  8. Tambora

    Another crushing blow by Steko!

    Couldn't pick just one post because he had several excellent ones yesterday and today, so I list the thread: Who is talking to Abraham here? Outstanding responses! TOL is lucky to have you, brother!
  9. Tambora

    Tambora's SPOTD, Steko

    I love this post! Steko defends the uncreated eternalness of Christ. Try saying this three times real fast: :first:
  10. Tambora

    Tambora's SPOTD

    Glorydaz defends the deity of Christ. Thank you, Glorydaz!
  11. Tambora

    Bible Study - the Book of Job

    This will be a chapter by chapter study of the book of Job. Job is an interesting study. We have the privilege of knowing what went on behind the scene. Job and his friends didn't. The dialogues between Job and his friends are going to cause us to ponder a lot about how we approach theology...
  12. Tambora

    Steko on: can grace be merited

    :first: SPOTD Exactly! The one who did the labor or the purchasing is the one who gives the gift; not the one who receives the gift. The one who receives the gift did no labor or purchasing at all.
  13. Tambora

    Tamobra's pick of SPOTD 7-10-2012

    Loved it , TomO!!!!!!! The question: Do you believe Christ is against guns? TomO's reply: