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  1. D

    How We Can Absolutely KNOW Absolutely That We Are Saved.

    And lets start with #2 And all were BAPTIZED unto Moses , in the CLOUD and is the SEA . What do you think that means ? dan p
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    The Myth of saying that Jesus Christ died for all men without exception !

    And in John 19:30 it says IT IS FINISHED / TELEO which is in the PERFECT TENSE , PASSIVE VOICE , and in the INDICATIVE MOOD . #1 The INDICATIVE MOOD means that John 19:30 is a FACT , that It is finished . #2 , The PASSIVE VOICE means that God died for sin and that means...
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    Denying the Power thereof !

    And it Col 1 :17 is where the so-called UNIVERSAL RECONCILIATION use as their PROOF TEXT > And He is before ALL THINGS , and in Him ALL THINGS , consist . Does all things in this verve mean , all things ? The second ALL THINGS does have the Greek ARTICLE ( THE )...
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    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.

    And in John 21:18 and 19 shows how Peter died , and verse 18 , I believe , Peter died of OLD AGE in Jerusalem . dan p
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    Did Christ die for the sin of unbelief ?

    And here is another verse in John 19:30 , where Jesus said IT IS FINISH / TELO which is in the Greek PERFECT TENSE , PASSIVE VOICE and in the INDICATIVE MOOD . #1 What was finished is the payment for SIN . #2 The PERFECT TENSE then means that all sin HAD to be paid for >...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    And by the way , what about Heb 9:15 , explain it , please . Also in Rom 5:11 , the Greek word is KATALLAGE and not ATONEMENT , as atonement was ONLY given to Israel and NOT to the BODY of Christ ,and see , ROM 11:15 and 2 Cor 5;18 and 19 . Atonement began at Gen...
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    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    And in 2 Cor 2:18 the BODY OF CHRIST is given the MINISTRY of RECONCILIATION . I have yet to see that PETER was ever given that MINISTRY , or do you have a verse , for Peter ? dan p
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    Reconciled to God while enemies !

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    The World God so Loved !

    And in John 3:16 , what is your definition , of WORLD / KOSMOS ? dan p
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    Shavuot/Pentecost. What's it about?

    And in Acts 2:4 , it is the GIFT that they are filled with . Of speaking in Tongues . In verse the prophesy of Joel was being fulfilled . You asked why 2 loaves of bread ? Bullinger says this , and 2 can also affirm that there is a difference , ---there is ANOTHER or that it is...
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    No person can come to Christ by their own freewill !

    AND in John 6:44 , here is what I see it MEANS . The Greek word FATHER / PATER , is in the NOMINATIVE CASE and is the main SUBJECT . It is the FATHER that draws these Jews NOT CHRIST . The FATHER is the one who DRAWS/ HELKO and is in the AORIST TENSE , ACTIVE VOICE , and...
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    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.

    And Matt 28:19 and 20 , The Greek word there for NATIONS is ETHNOS and means Gentiles . #1 So if they are to go to ALL GENTILES /ETHNOS does that mean Jews are left OUT ! #2 , The Greek word ALL / PAS is in the ACCUSATIVE CASE , so all is LIMITED TO GENTILES ? #3 In John...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    And B57 is AVOIDING any answer ????? dan p
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    How We Can Absolutely KNOW Absolutely That We Are Saved.

    Here the the verve that settles this question . In Rom 8:16 and this is what was given to ONLY the apostle Paul . The spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's CHILDREN . #1 The Spirit HIMSELF / AUTOS , is a PERSONAL POSSESSIVE PRONOUN that the HOLY SPIRIT...
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    By Nature Children of Wrath as others !

    So , what kind of LAPSARIAN are you ? A Supralapsarian ? Or a INFRALAPSARIAN ? Or a SULAPSARIAN ? So expalin Acts 20:24 and its meaning ?? dan p
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    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.

    And what verse do you say that ALL NATIONS will become Christian nations ? dan p
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    Polygamy is in the Bible

    In the book of Judges 17:6 all DID / ASA what was right in there own eyes . The Hebrew word DID / ASA , is the stem QAL and the aspect is in the Heb IMPERFECT tense Which means it would stop when a KING was in Israel ! dan p
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    And you should know that 1 John 2:1-2 is a bad translation as it uses the Greek word HILASMOS ( G 2434 ) which means the means of APPEASING . Did you check the Greek word in Rom 5:11 , the KJV translates it THE ATONEMENT / KATALLAGE , is a big difference as see G 2643 and...
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    What is the 'Word of reconciliation'?

    And what I see from 2 Cor 5:18 that only the GENTILES were alienated from God . I have never seen a verse where Israel was ever alienated from God as they had the Prophets and the LAW of MOSES . The Greek words TO US / HEMIN is a PERSONAL POSSESSIVE PRONOUN and speaks to the...
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    Romans 3:30

    Here is what MOUNCE says about the Greek word DIA . For example , the preposition DIA means " through " if its object is in the Genitive case , but it means " on account of " if its object is in the Accusative case . dan p