Are Tattoos Sinful?

Thine Inwardly

New member
hello " JudgeRightly " - thanks

there is no doubt in my mind

tattoos and body piercings are not something that the Spirit Holy Of God is pleased with nor does he condone nor promote, Nor do scriptures lean in any direction to say that this is harmless or ok.

For me i think it is a form of bondage - but that's me personally and how i feel about it,. non judgmental to say to someone with a Tattoo or Body Piercing that God is looking down and frowning upon that person. And thats what i was saying earlier - Tattoos and Body Piercings are not harmful to others and I cannot judge exactly how and what God will do or say.

I believe God does not like it
but it is still harmless - to me its just foolish and slavish but someone else may feel freedom and great expression - i don't think its right - but exactly how God judges or how much he frowns i honestly don't know

i try to not put
my feelings into the fray but was mostly commenting on my feelings compared to another's feeling --- with God momentarily out of the picture


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hello " JudgeRightly " - thanks

First of all, if you're going to respond to someone, please use the "+QUOTE" or "Reply" button at the bottom of the post you wish to respond to.

Second of all, why are you addressing this to me? None of this addresses anything I said, which wasn't much at all.


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An object is not sin, things we do are. And outside of Christ is sin. Paul said something much more harsh in another place. And you know what I mean by it.

You said:

Everything outside of Christ is sin.

"Everything" includes bicycles.

Bicycles are outside of Christ, are they not?

You shouldn't make such overgeneralizations.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish dog poop, that I may gain Christ

I think he wants to know if he should get it or not. The answer is no. You should also not poke your eye out to be different.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Hey guys!

It’s been quite some time since I posted here, and firstly I’d just like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas!

I’ve recently got two tattoos - one is a version of the eagle found on the coat of arms of Poland, and the other is a lynx cat. I really like them, but it’s sparked a big debate between me and my parents. They are adamant that tattoos are sinful and Christians shouldn’t get one, but I can’t see any justification for their stance.

So, what do you guys think?

Depends what they are. obv xorn or blasphemy are a problem.
Hey guys!

It’s been quite some time since I posted here, and firstly I’d just like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas!

I’ve recently got two tattoos - one is a version of the eagle found on the coat of arms of Poland, and the other is a lynx cat. I really like them, but it’s sparked a big debate between me and my parents. They are adamant that tattoos are sinful and Christians shouldn’t get one, but I can’t see any justification for their stance.

So, what do you guys think?
You should have honored your parents.
Now it may be too late.