Recent content by Ps82

  1. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    The only Greek and Hebrew I study is when I look up a KJV English word in my Strong's concordance and my Bible dictionary. I will attempt to take what you have shared and plug it in with the way I see things inside of [...]. I've done quite a bit of looking into the Hebrew word Elohim; so, I...
  2. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I changed the last paragraph in post 85 to this: Because I believe this, I believe in the beginning, around the time of The Garden, all angels were called sons of God and male humans were sons of God. Later daughters were added as Adam and Eve began to have daughters. Thus God at some point...
  3. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I agree. Get thee behind me Satan was a rebuke to Peter. The history and meaning behind the rebuke dates back to Genesis 3. Adam and Woman had been given a mission from God and had been told not to do one thing or they would die. Satan then said to Woman, [Gen.3:4] "Ye shall not surely die."...
  4. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    The key to my explaining the Gen 6 event and other scripture has to do with what I realized about Ps82. It is in that chapter I realized God called angels 'sons and children of God' ... and with HIS additional use of the phrase "all of you" HE included mankind in that same description as sons...
  5. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    Here is an additional point on my topic about sons of God in Genesis 6 being sons of God and Adam born in the Garden. First, I pointed out that Adam, as he began to form a language to describe things in his new environment, started rapidly increasing language. Examples: Man, Woman, Cleave...
  6. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    I have opinions on a few of your points. First, a time came when followers did understand some of what Jesus was doing. He told his disciples through parables of mysteries and explaining them at times. He even told them he had to die but some still didn't get it. You are correct that May did...
  7. P

    "Come to me, I am YOUR GOD" (Genesis 44:18-47:27)

    I've only read this far. Want to write something before I have to get busy. I like what you have written because types and shadow do mean a lot to me. I see the scene this way: Joseph represent our Risen Lord Jesus who arose out of the pit/grave to all authority and power to save. Judah...
  8. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    BTW, Christ said this from the cross: "Woman, behold your son." Who just happened to be the Promised Son of God who would come through Woman. Another time Christ called Mary - Woman was at the wedding in Kinah in Galilee. "Woman, what do I have to do with you? It is not my time [to provide...
  9. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    Oh well.
  10. P

    From "Jacob" to "Israel" why the name change? (Gen 32:3-36:43)

    Love your thoughts in this post. Would like to add a couple of my ideas. First, no one knew the chosen name of God until the days of Moses. Moses inserted that name appropriately as he recorded the first 5 books of the OT. Sometimes Moses used God, the Word, I AM, but it came down to The...
  11. P

    From "Jacob" to "Israel" why the name change? (Gen 32:3-36:43)

    Jacob promised God that he would change if God would protect him and bless him while he fled from Esau and if God would also allow him to return home to his father one day. Jacob kept his promise and God honored his sincere oath and allowed him to keep the birthright. The birthright leading to...
  12. P

    Hello Again

    Some say the same about me. I'm just a scripturalist.
  13. P

    Hello Again

    Welcome Gabriel Theodoulos. T. I came many years ago seeking conversation and of course to share my theories and revelations which I truly believe came from the Holy Spirit. I left only because life called. Mother, wife, grandmother, caretaker of in-laws and etc. Started substitute teaching...
  14. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    A bit off topic but it bumps the conversation about sons of God up a bit. How many of you consider that before God created humanity [male/female] there may have been no females as daughters of God? Adam even tells us that female/Woman came from Man. First there was man from whom female/Woman...
  15. P

    New look days of Noah and the sons of God

    Also consider Jesus's own words. Twice he called his mother Woman as if it were her NAME. Once he said something like this at the wedding when he said: Woman, what have I to do with you? It is not my time yet." And again from the cross, "Woman, behold your son." Both times he took a potential...