Lon's latest activity

  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Derf's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    Maybe you haven't had time to address my post, or you didn't see it yet, but that verse (repeated here) gives an omni: Proverbs 15:3 KJV...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Superimposed rationality. Superimposed. You think this a logical statement but it is not. Creation 'didn't' exist before it did...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Some will say yes, others will say no. It depends on what you mean by sovereign. Such is Open Theism by concern, not Mid Acts. The two...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Bladerunner's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    From what I have read in this post, it is evident to many on this forum do not believe God is Sovereign over all things. Am I wrong?
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    This one not a major doctrinal difference. I went to Multnomah Bible Seminary, they taught basically all this and let us simply have...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Nick M's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    James. That doesn't mean James did not repent.
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Thank you, either conveniently missed this for its further length, or just missed it (just missed it, haven't had much time lately)...
  • Lon
    Excellent post on point:
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    Bladerunner, Do yourself a favor and don't respond to this post until you've read the end of it. In fact, just skip down there now and...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    I'm not too caught up on this particular simply because it is scripture and it doesn't matter too much, 'who' wrote it. @Bladerunner...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Right Divider's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    Where do you get this nonsense? You continue to make false claims without a shred of support. Another false and unsupported claim.
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    Your are confusing Judaizing with Jews. They aren't the same. There is a difference. Question: What is that difference? It is...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    I will come back to the larger portion as time allows. At the moment, however, is an embrace of agreement, despite what we deem...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    Realize I have been where you are at. I've been called Mid Acts because I'm definitely grace theology, but it means, without knowing I...