Lon's latest activity

  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread What did you believe before Open Theism? with Sad Sad.
    Oh yes! I remember it as if it happened yesterday! Here's the WHOLE argument.... "Water baptism isn't necessary for salvation because...
  • Lon
    Do you happen to remember the argument? I'd like to hear it,
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Harvard disagrees with you. Harvard disagrees with you. Saying it doesn't make it so, nor is this ANY kind of rebuttal. It is...
  • Lon
    It didn't. Think of Strong's as the Reader's Digest of lexicons. It gives what a Hebrew/Greek word is most translated as and gives a...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Is Time ontological? It appears the jury is not in, leaving us posturing. However, to say God is stuck in durative succession is the...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Did you mean one that looked like a horse?
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Idolater's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    So is LOGIC ontologically real? Also to @Clete This is not a gotcha, I just need to know, in order to converse intelligibly with the...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to ok doser's post in the thread Wokey McWokeface with Like Like.
    "It's only a small group of radicals who oppose those names" And unfortunately a much larger group of idiot leftists who jump on any...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to ok doser's post in the thread Wokey McWokeface with Like Like.
  • Lon
    See here, to view, to behold, etc. It doesn't have to mean 'to learn something.' We cannot proof-text it to mean 'to find out what...
  • Lon
    That is, at best, a guess on anyone's part. You are one of very few Open Theists that think God had no clue where Adam was. Let me...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Keeping this so we both can reference it for exactly what infinite means. Realize 'infinite space' is conjecture. God made it. Can...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    It is either "Poor poor Clete..." or "You're drunk!" or (better) "What is your point? Is it simply to discredit, compensate for...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Bladerunner's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    Well at least part of Him is infinite....but then from what I rem. He is also not Sovereign over all things in the Universe and beyond...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    That isn't what a Mid Acts theologian believes. If you are Covenant Theology, all of scriptures applies to you, land, ox, temple...