Lon's latest activity

  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Literally 'without finite.' A line is infinite. No beginning, no end. Infinite means all that is 1) created and with finite...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to JudgeRightly's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    INDEED! AMEN! Sure. No, Lon, it simply does not. Infinite ( adj. ): 1. limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Right Divider's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    I believe that you meant Right Divider o_O
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    Two points to consider: 1) Cart before Horse: Ephesians 2:8-10 says regeneration/indwelling, then works God prompts us to do. 2) James...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Examples of disinviting conversation (might help, might not but I pray over the difference):
    • 1737504125734.png
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  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Doesn't help. It actually is dismissive, disinviting. I've been sympathetic with Calvinists and because of that, there is not but...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    In a sense, yes, but if we are wrong, we need to adjust accordingly, being always moldable by God and not hardened if challenged. It...
  • Lon
    gotquestions.org Omniscience is defined as “the state of having total knowledge, the quality of knowing everything.” For God to be...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Yorzhik's post in the thread What did you believe before Open Theism? with Like Like.
    I grew up as Lutheran, attending the Lutheran schools and going to Michigan Lutheran Seminary. While there I heard about a problem back...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    You know, pretty much only Open Theists say this? Know what that means? It means your theology is driving everything in your lives...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Bladerunner's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    thank you both (JudgeRightly) for the conversation (1411). Interesting
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    No, not too high. It is well researched, well written.
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Nick M's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    This is from the late Bob Hill. His website was taken down by his son, from what I read here, after his passing. There is another one...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    It doesn't make them not real. 10 minutes is pretty solid, I see the change on the clock which accurately measures duration. I have...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    So, you agree with GPT's translation then? I'm a bit unclear as to your intent with this post. What changed scripture? What "Author"...