Lon's latest activity

  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Let's read it again: Isaiah 46:21-24 - Present your case,” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says the King of Jacob...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread this is what 1 Tim 1:3 -4 teaches !.
    1 Timothy 1: 1Ti 1:3 As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    You've just done, by virtue of priori, what you asses in Credo. The first passage Credo gave, does indeed claim that knowing the...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    This is why 'prescriptive' and 'decretive' are proffered. It doesn't have to mean, at all, that God doesn't know as an alternative...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Crede2's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    Isaiah 46:21-24 - Present your case,” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says the King of Jacob. “Let them bring forth...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Crede2's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    I suppose nothing is really a necessary part of His existence. He could have chosen to not ever create anything at all.
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    From Chat GPT.... Prompt: "Ignore other English translations and simply translated 2 Thes. 2:3 based solely on the Greek itself."...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    αποστασια (apostacy)abandoning the faith.
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Nick M's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    I know it says it, and it is wrong. Did you see the presentation? In it he covers the translations, then someone else changing the...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    "The AI Critical New Testament (AICNT) is a translation that utilizes AI technology to render the New Testament into English. Unlike the...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Right Divider's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    I agree. I thought that is was funny that they tried to basically say that this entire method of generating a translation was "unbiased".
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    So it's an AI redo of the NIV basically. Not completely useless but if someone does it again using the Textus Receptus then I'd be more...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    CHATGPT translation: 2Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For it will not be, unless the rebellion comes first, and the...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    All of them? "The AICNT further aims to indicate the extent to which the manuscripts have been altered throughout the centuries. This...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead? with Like Like.
    That's very interesting! I wonder which texts they chose to translate from?