Lon's latest activity

  • Lon
    Lon reacted to JudgeRightly's post in the thread The Joys of Catholicism with Like Like.
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Paul's gospel started late.....
    With 20 prominent translations? Are you a conspiracy theorist for your preferred doctrines, mastered because of your preference...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Derf's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    It wasn't aimed at you, just a passing swipe.
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Only because of assertion? I don't believe he could. He was master of his domain, not at all 'sharing' truth. God is more powerful...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Yes, but even if one knows all 'possible' outcomes it is still omnicompetence, even for an Open Theist. "All things knowable" is still...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Settled in this case being exhaustively foreknown. Such does not, by any logical cohesion, necessitate that what He knows isn't...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    Nothing about Calvinism is biblical. You should remove ALL influences from your past that cannot be established via God's word and sound...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    Not the issue, but rather 'what is the scope of Total Depravity? AMR believed rather in "Total Inability." Would you think him no...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Clete's post in the thread On the omniscience of God with Like Like.
    Lon, if what you mean by something is significantly different than what the Calvinist means by these things then why not just reject...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    I think: respect. I didn't go to a Covenant seminary, but there were quite a few Calvinists in my life that had an impact on me...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread Is Faith Without Works Dead?.
    Am I a fruit inspector? While it is true, every man and woman saved, does good works according to the new nature, that is more about...
  • Lon
    Lon replied to the thread On the omniscience of God.
    First, technology has made leaps and bounds. I had to work very hard to get good grades, didn't even have a computer back then 0.o...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to JudgeRightly's post in the thread Support Israel? with Like Like.
    Depends on what you mean by "aide." What Christians should/are able to/can do is very different than what a particular government...
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to Right Divider's post in the thread A little comedy break.... with Haha Haha.
  • Lon
    Lon reacted to glorydaz's post in the thread Paul's gospel started late.... with Like Like.
    Paul had an incredible impact for sure. I doubt they’d have gotten past acknowledging gentiles were no longer to be considered unclean...