Recent content by Aaron the Tall

  1. Aaron the Tall

    Did God create animals to live for a while and then die?

    I can't necessarily point to a Bible verse - but I think there was death out of necessity. Consider the alternative. If animals lived forever, the smallest, quickest reproducing animals like mice would multiply exponentially, and would soon out-compete larger animals for resources. How long...
  2. Aaron the Tall

    Did God create animals to live for a while and then die?

    The first record of God or Man killing an animal is in that verse - because there is something very significant about that instance. If there was animal death before the fall (which I think there was) - it wouldn't necessarily appear in a verse if it was just the ordinary way of things.
  3. Aaron the Tall

    Did God create animals to live for a while and then die?

    I hesitate to equate any promises about the future Kingdom with what the original creation was like. If the perfect future Kingdom required Jesus' death and rise to kingship to come about, then you couldn't have it at the start of creation. However "good" the original creation was - it wasn't...
  4. Aaron the Tall

    Is the New Covenant for non Jews?

    In Jeremiah 31 the new covenant is said to be made specifically with the “house of Israel and the house of Judah.” How do Christians partake in this covenant? What are you thoughts? Are Christians "grafted in" to Israel? If so, can a Christian consider him/herself to be a member of the house...
  5. Aaron the Tall

    Unfactual Evidence for Evolution in my Textbook

    I am taking a second semester biology course at a local college. We are using a very large, expensive biology book by McGraw Hill published this year. In the section on evolution, the text mentions vestigial structures as evidence - calling them structures in organisms with no current...
  6. Aaron the Tall

    Gay Beetles show Adaptive Purpose of Homosexuality

    You can read the snippet article here: Gay burying beetles show adaptive purpose of homosexuality Concerning the scientific article here: Acceptance threshold theory can explain occurrence of homosexual behaviour In summary, beetles were subjected to various social situations to see the...