The NINE Commandments

Old Hat

The Bible makes clear that the 9 Commandments are still relevant to all Christians.

All Christians still keep the 9 Commandments and expect all other professed Christians to do the same.

They preach all day long that we are not to obey the Commandments and that Jesus came to free us from the Commandments and that Jesus taught against the keeping of the Commandments and that all Jesus' early followers (Christian = follower of Christ) ignored the Commandments believing they were no longer relevant.

Why are today's Christians such hypocrites?

Why do they so passionately hate that one other Commandment of the 10 and ridicule and demean any Christian that keeps it?

Why is the Sabbath Commandment such a stigma among modern mainstream Christians today?

Because they don't know their Bibles.

Hosea 4:6, 14
Jer. 9:6
Prov. 1:29
2 Thess. 2:10-12

way 2 go

Well-known member
The Bible makes clear that the 9 Commandments are still relevant to all Christians.

All Christians still keep the 9 Commandments and expect all other professed Christians to do the same.

They preach all day long that we are not to obey the Commandments and that Jesus came to free us from the Commandments and that Jesus taught against the keeping of the Commandments and that all Jesus' early followers (Christian = follower of Christ) ignored the Commandments believing they were no longer relevant.

Why are today's Christians such hypocrites?

Why do they so passionately hate that one other Commandment of the 10 and ridicule and demean any Christian that keeps it?

Why is the Sabbath Commandment such a stigma among modern mainstream Christians today?

Because they don't know their Bibles.

Hosea 4:6, 14
Jer. 9:6
Prov. 1:29
2 Thess. 2:10-12

7th day adventist ?

Old Hat

who just happens to be a 7th day adventist ?

Not Pentecostal either.

It's actually very uninformed to believe that if somebody subscribes to a specific doctrine that some denomination supports, they must then embrace all that denomination's doctrines. That uninformed belief is taught by uninformed/blind teachers of the blind.

Neither SDA's nor Pentecostals are accurate with Scripture in all of their doctrines.

Just because I have accurately found that the Bible teaches that the Commandments are still, and always will be, valid for all True Christians, doesn't mean that I worship Doug Batchelor.

Do you have anything else to contribute?

Old Hat

Why are you calling the apostle Paul a hypocrite?

Romans 14:5 - One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.
Why are you falsely making him out to be a Law-breaker?

When the elders of the church said this to him ...

"... thou thyself also walkest orderly and keepest the Law."

Acts 21:24

Old Hat

Oh, did you have a citation that proves that all Christians are murderers, thieves, liars, demon-worshipers, parent-haters, etc?

No, you don't.

All professed Christians understand that all of the 10 Commandments are expected of them BUT the 4th Sabbath Commandment.

I rest my case.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Why are you falsely making him out to be a Law-breaker?

When the elders of the church said this to him ...

"... thou thyself also walkest orderly and keepest the Law."

Acts 21:24
What is your commentary on Romans 14:5?

Old Hat

What is your commentary on Romans 14:5?
No commentary needed.

It doesn't say anywhere in the verse that the 10 Commandments have been repealed, or that they were abolished at the Cross, and my counter verse fully contradicts your interpretation of it.

What is your commentary of Acts 21:24?


Staff member
Super Moderator
No commentary needed.

It doesn't say anywhere in the verse that the 10 Commandments have been repealed, or that they were abolished at the Cross, and my counter verse fully contradicts your interpretation of it.

What is your commentary of Acts 21:24?
Let's put it this way. Let's say you are the pastor of a church. And you are teaching the Bible from Genesis through Revelation verse by verse. And you haven't skipped over a single verse all the way to Romans 14:4. Is Romans 14:5 going to be the very first verse you skip over? If not, what would you say about it?

Old Hat

Let's put it this way. Let's say you are the pastor of a church. And you are teaching the Bible from Genesis through Revelation verse by verse. And you haven't skipped over a single verse all the way to Romans 14:4. Is Romans 14:5 going to be the very first verse you skip over? If not, what would you say about it?
Okay, let's put it this way: There are over 31,000 verses in the Bible. There's not a single sound Christian doctrine that is constructed upon one single verse of Scripture without any other support from anywhere else in the Bible.

If you want to make the claim that Rom. 14:5 proves that the 10 Commandments were abolished at the Cross, you would need to not only have at least a couple other verses to support that claim, BUT you would also have to consider all other contrary verses in the Bible.

I can give you many, in significant order, that prove otherwise - which proves that your specific verse does not mean what you claim it does.

Do you really wanna fight for the position that today's average Christian, and churches in general, do not accept all the 10 Commandments, besides the 4th Sabbath Commandment, as a general description of what it means to be a Christian?
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It's actually very uninformed to believe that if somebody subscribes to a specific doctrine that some denomination supports, they must then embrace all that denomination's doctrines. That uninformed belief is taught by uninformed/blind teachers of the blind.
That would be guilt by association.

What is your commentary of Acts 21:24?
The words of Paul himself.

1 Corinthians 9:19-20 ESV
(19) For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.
(20) To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law.

Old Hat

The words of Paul himself.

1 Corinthians 9:19-20 ESV
(19) For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.
(20) To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law.
The Bible doesn't contradict itself though.

So if we have two seemingly contradictory verses, we must look to the entirety of Scripture to suss out what's really being said.

If Acts 21:24 states clearly that Paul is a keeper of the Law, then interpreting 1 Cor. 9:20 to say that he is not ... doesn't add up.

There are many other verses and passages that teach Christians to obey the 10 Commandments. In light of that fact, we know that the Bible makes no claim that Paul did not keep the 10 Commandments.