"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's your thread.I still haven't given your question any thought. How about I get back to you 3 weeks from the Tuesday after next?
It's your thread.I still haven't given your question any thought. How about I get back to you 3 weeks from the Tuesday after next?
It's your thread.
I believe that. If President Trump is returned for a 2nd and last time he can (mostly) stop worrying about his voters and settle down to four years of doing what Donald Trump wants to do
and he can show exactly what his religious and political beliefs are...... and he is going to shock many voters' socks off, I think.
And I think he will be returned to the White House, for sure.
I think a lot of Christians will either be voting 3rd Party or staying home. I still have a few months to share Trump's liberal record with them in the event they've been under a rock for the past 3+ years.
A 3rd party vote would be good for the USA, just as it has been for the UK in the past.
I've heard that Israel's governments are usually built up in coalitions of many parties, and maybe we need that kind of political 'build'...?
And so, although I don't and can't support your principles I can definitely support your right to express them and vote for them.![]()
Well, we'll soon see what happens, eh?Either the people who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and will again vote for him in 2020 are diehard swamp dwelling Republicans who gave us Bob Dole, John McCain, George Bush and Mitt Romney, or they are openly liberal (Libertarians and Democrats) who crossed Party lines to vote for a NYC rainbow flag waving liberal.
Sometimes we have to vote to stop something, rather than to build something. I do like the idea of coalition governments. Although they have no clear direction at all they have one characteristic which can recommend itself.... they tend to be moderate governments.People of faith have absolutely nothing in common with the latter, and if they truly want :the swamp" to be drained, they better understand that serous change needs to be done, and voting for the supposed lesser of two evils isn't it.
Well, we'll soon see what happens, eh?
Yes.Was it me being the author of the opening post that gave it away?
Then you came to the right place, as I'll be spending the next few months sharing the truth about Donald Trump and his followers so that you will know "much" about him.
Serious question... what do you hope to accomplish? While it’s refreshing to actually see a professed Christian to speak out of the evil that is trump, you cannot convince this type of mindset.
And the truth is that there are no candidates running for any public office anywhere in the United States right now who are advocating for the re-criminalization of homosexuality, isn't that correct? So isn't your campaign against President Trump on that mark only half the story here? Who should someone vote for, who wants homosexuality re-criminalized, is it isn't to re-elect President Trump? What is the truth? It's that, there are no options, isn't it, that are better than President Trump on this issue. The truth is that there aren't any candidates or politicians who are supporting this policy, isn't that correct? None of them are better than President Trump, in the matter this thread addresses.Speak the truth and let those who hear it decide for themselves if they want to accept or reject it.
And the truth is that there are no candidates running for any public office anywhere in the United States right now who are advocating for the re-criminalization of homosexuality, isn't that correct?
So isn't your campaign against President Trump on that mark only half the story here? Who should someone vote for, who wants homosexuality re-criminalized, is it isn't to re-elect President Trump? What is the truth? It's that, there are no options, isn't it, that are better than President Trump on this issue. The truth is that there aren't any candidates or politicians who are supporting this policy, isn't that correct? None of them are better than President Trump, in the matter this thread addresses.
No, a libertarian is an anarcho-capitalist, and I'm not one of them, I'm a fundamentalist liberal; not a classical liberal, not an anarchistic liberal ('libertarian'), not a socialist liberal ('social democrat') and not a conservative liberal like you are. I'm a fundamentalist when it comes to human rights. Not only do I feel passionately about defending them, but I insist that everybody else does too, and I'll fight about it, and I support policies that severely punish human rights violators, up to and including world war, such as for instance Iraq, Iraq, Vietnam, and Korea, the Japanese Empire, and Nazi Germany. All good liberal wars imo. Human rights violators should have holy war waged upon them until they stop violating rights, and start defending them, like you're supposed to do.*Calling someone a libertarian doesn't necessarily mean that they are a Libertarian Party member. The chances are that they couldn't come up with the 25 cent membership fee, so while they do embrace libertarian ideology and the candidates that embrace it, they very well may not be card carrying Libertarian Party members.
No, a libertarian is an anarcho-capitalist, and I'm not one of them,
I can speak for myself. I'm not "ashamed" of being something that I am not. I am not a libertarian. I explained plainly why.Why is it that everyone that I run across on the www is ashamed to admit that they're a libertarian?
I know what a libertarian is, and I am not one. I am an absolutist, radical, fundamentalist liberal. Libertarians are anarchistic liberals, libertarians do not support for example aggression even when it is in defense of someone's rights. No libertarians think the wars in Iraq and in Vietnam or in Korea, and many not even WWII against the Nazis and against the Japanese Empire, were good or justified or moral. They have this "non-aggression principle" which I am against. It is always right to defend rights.The core of libertarian ideology can be found in the preamble to the Libertarian Party Platform, and without a doubt you embrace that ideology.
We have the right to not be forced to work in order to fund what we personally find gross.Thoughts on the recent SCOTUS ruling which supposedly allows religious institutions to discriminate against those that identify as homosexual or transgender?
...I know what a libertarian is, and I am not one.
but I am not a conservative liberal like you are,
We have the right to not be forced to work in order to fund what we personally find gross.
I already set out my ideology, it is markedly distinct from libertarianism (anarcho-capitalism or anarchistic liberalism).What is it about this that you don't agree with?
"We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.
Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power."
What does diversity mean here?Surely you're not against diversity are you?
You're liberal with a conservative (paternalistic) bent.Cuz conserving liberalism is what I'm all about.
God is liberal.What if God finds it gross? (Psssst, this is where you write about theocracies).