Free unit study!


Proverbs 31:10
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This is a unit study that is advertised to be "pro-Bush." It's a five-week study which entails the following:

Week 1 September 27-Oct. 3: Register the Voters
Week 2 October 4-10: Research the Candidates

Week 3 October 11-17: Review the Debate

Week 4 October 18-24: Reach the Voters

Week 5 October 25-Nov. 1: Rally the Voters

Final Day November 2: Election Day

It's an ongoing work. Right now, Week 2 will be available on October 2. It looks fairly interesting and has things that are doable by every grade k-12. I may do it next year for US History. I don't know yet. I'm going to print it out for later use. I hope that they don't get rid of each section as they put up a new one because I can't buy ink until after my mom leaves for CA (she used up all my ink and refuses to buy more). :chuckle: