Search results

  1. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    I'm pretty sure that you aren't using the word "obtain" in the correct way here. It certainly is not a normal way of using that word. Both Unicorns and Zeus exist as ideas. Fictional characters are a different sort of idea than the concepts of justice and authority, etc but that isn't the...
  2. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    This is at least partially self-contradictory and I'm not sure that it really holds true at all. First of all there is no such thing as one non-'durative' (not a real word) point in history. History is just the past occurrence of events. Events have duration, by definition. Just as a square...
  3. Clete

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    I only say "too high" because I just generally feel like it's bad form to take someone's word for it and for me, all it takes is for anything about the Greek language to be coming from him and I'm 1000% convinced by virtue of the fact that he's the one who said it. I supposed that I am not...
  4. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    What could you possibly mean by this? Time exists AS AN IDEA, but not in an ontological sense. There are many such things.... Justice Authority Liberty Mathematics Space Unicorns Wakanda Zeus These things exist as concepts but they have no material substance in the same sense as your house...
  5. Clete

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    I know of no issue concerning death or the bible's teaching thereof that is not solved or rendered moot by simply accepting death as a spiritual separation, either from your body (physical death) or from God (spiritual death) or both. James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead...
  6. Clete

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    Honestly, maybe I have the late Pastor Hill on a bit too high of a pedestal, but that man had forgotten more about the bible and about the original languages than I'd ever learn in a hundred lifetimes. I take his word as gospel on such matters. You simply could not have cited a better source if...
  7. Clete

    Skull Hill or Holy Sepulchre

    I can tell from Google Earth that they're very close. I suspect the Jesus' cross was at the exact peak of that hill, by the way. Someone's house could be on that exact spot. I can't even imagine living there!
  8. Clete

    Skull Hill or Holy Sepulchre

    Do people believe that Jesus was crucified on the peak near the Garden Tomb and then buried at the HS site, or do those that believe he was buried at the HS site believe He was crucified somewhere near that site? At the time, both sites were outside the city, if I remember the content of the...
  9. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    I'd be interested to see that explanation!
  10. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    Unresponsive. Pay attention. Stop wasting my time. Yes they are. Blasphemy. That's the last straw. I'm not wasting any more time with your stupidity.
  11. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    Repeat yourself all you like. Saying it doesn't make it so. Making stuff up as we go now, is that it? The history of Luther's rejection of certain Catholic doctrines is VERY well documented. We are quite certain about the content of Martin Luther's 95 Theses posted on the door of the Castle...
  12. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    So it is precisely as I suspected. You DO NOT actually believe anything close to what the actual doctrine that the entire world knows as "sola scriptura" actually teaches but rather your own made up out of whole clothe version of it. Sola Scriptura is the doctrine which says the Bible alone is...
  13. Clete

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    Liar. Good bye!
  14. Clete

    Do some of the Scriptural Truths offend you?

    You are not a Christian.
  15. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    Well, as evidenced by your next post, it seems that this little nugget of nonsense wasn't all you had to say. There is no such real thing as a "Bishop" based on the Catholic definition of the term.
  16. Clete

    Skull Hill or Holy Sepulchre

    I believe that the garden tomb site is the correct burial site and that the peak of Mt. Moriah which is very nearby is the site upon which He was crucified. One of the very strongest pieces of evidence is the fact that this peak is the highest peak of Mt. Moriah being about 120 ft higher in...
  17. Clete

    Skull Hill or Holy Sepulchre

    Personally, I have been taught from the time I was a child that the so called "Garden Tomb" is the tomb in which Jesus was laid and from which He arose and that He was crucified on the very nearby hill which to this day has an escarpment that resembles a skull. However, I don't recall any...
  18. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    Define "Sola Scriptura". I do not believe that it is possible for anyone to be a Catholic and believe in the actual doctrine of sola scriptura, as evidenced by the entire rest of your post, which openly contradicts the doctrine more and more as the post progresses culminating with flatly...
  19. Clete

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    So, you agree with GPT's translation then? I'm a bit unclear as to your intent with this post. What changed scripture? What "Author" are you referring to in that last sentence?
  20. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    No it isn't.