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  1. JudgeRightly

    Signs of the times

    It began a lot earlier than that... You're off by about 7500 years...
  2. JudgeRightly

    31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

  3. JudgeRightly

    Trump News

    MANA = Make America Normal Again
  4. JudgeRightly

    Faith of Jesus

    Just because you don't agree with someone on what they believe doesn't mean you get to dismiss what the Bible literally says.
  5. JudgeRightly

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Yes, but that's not what that playlist is about.
  6. JudgeRightly

    A Walk Through Revelation

    You could always just listen and find out. I promise, listening to those sermons is worth the time invested.
  7. JudgeRightly

    A Walk Through Revelation
  8. JudgeRightly

    Faith of Jesus

    Uh, no. That was part of my response. Read what I said again, please, and don't skip anything.
  9. JudgeRightly

    Faith of Jesus

    Those are words which He spoke to His disciples, specifically Peter (but addressing all twelve and THEIR desciples), in preparing them for the coming kingdom of Israel. It has literally nothing to do with us in the Body of Christ today. We can't do that today, because God isn't allowing it...
  10. JudgeRightly

    Is the Earth Flat? (and other related nonsense)

    Video 4 in the playlist is out! @1Mind1Spirit
  11. JudgeRightly

    Clown World

  12. JudgeRightly

    Signs of the times

    We SHOULD treat them as the human beings they are and condemn their abominable behaviour as such, and not allow them to dehumanize themselves by mutilating their bodies, or burn in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful. (Romans 1:27)
  13. JudgeRightly

    Air weighs more than nothing

    Yup. That is indeed a minus symbol on the left side of the display.
  14. JudgeRightly

    Is the Earth Flat? (and other related nonsense)
  15. JudgeRightly

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Regarding the previously linked Youtube Playlist (linked again below):