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  1. Poly

    toldailytopic: The one person in your life you look up to the most and why?

    The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 15th, 2010 01:02 PM toldailytopic: The one person in your life you look up to the most and why? Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of...
  2. Poly

    You just won $100,000 in the lottery. What now?

    The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 14th, 2010 01:02 PM toldailytopic: You just won $100,000 in the lottery. How do you plan to spend it? Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL...
  3. Poly

    toldaily topic: Should all nationalities have their own history month?

    The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 13th, 2010 01:02 PM toldailytopic: Nationality History Month: Should all nationalities or races have their own history month? Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there...
  4. Poly

    Poly's Post of the Day

    Hopefully, indeed.
  5. Poly

    Wanna see a couple of really wierd homeschoolers?

    These girls are so talented and creative. What a great job they did on this video. Funny stuff! Oh and the bloopers at the end are just as good as the video. What a couple a nerdy homeschoolers!!! apaxo6WJm-g&feature=related
  6. Poly

    Homeschool statistics

    Statistics from HSLDA. (Home School Legal Defense Assoc.)
  7. Poly

    Poly's POTD

    Well said, nm!
  8. Poly

    Poly's 2nd Pick 11-12-09

    This post was just too good not to be noted as well. Well said! :up: Source
  9. Poly

    Poly's pick 11-12-09

    :BRAVO: Smacktabulous!! For more of TomO truthsmacking Granite, you can check it out here
  10. Poly

    Poly's pick 11-03-09

    Excellent comments, Plgw, regarding a very tragic story. Context
  11. Poly

    Poly's Pick 11-01-09

  12. Poly

    Poly's Pick 08-29-09

    I like the book of Thomynthianz. :up: :D
  13. Poly

    The Bitter Homeschooler's Wish List

    I found this today and loved it. For the most part it's spot on, secular or not. Source 1 Please stop asking us if it's legal. If it is - and it is - it's insulting to imply that we're criminals. And if we were criminals, would we admit it? 2 Learn what the words "socialize" and...
  14. Poly

    The Quiz Directory

    This is a great site full of quizzes on all kinds of subjects. The Quiz Directory Fun stuff!
  15. Poly

    Who is your favorite Bugs Bunny and Friends character?

    Vote for your favorite. You can choose more than one.
  16. Poly

    Poly's pick 11-04-08

    Well said! POTY material! :up: Context How sad it is that so many people today voted for a murderer because of fear. What does that say about their trust in a good and righteous God, who will be victorious over all no matter what and who desires that his people stand for righteousness no...
  17. Poly

    Less is More

    What is it with paying more and getting less? Low fat or fat free? More money Low sugar or sugar free? More money Low carb or carb free? More money Low taste or taste free? More money It's sad that chips, candy and Ramen noodles tend to be less expensive than fruits and vegetables...
  18. Poly

    Poly's Pick 09-07-08

    :up: Context
  19. Poly

    Poly's POTD 08-24-08

  20. Poly

    Poly's POTD 08-05-08

    It really is that simple. A first grader could see this.