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  1. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    You don't know anything about fisheye lenses. You don't know anything about computer graphics, perspective or just about anything else. I (and others on these threads) do have knowledge on these topics. Yet you are so concerned about maintaining your position that the truth means nothing to you...
  2. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    RIP.... DFT_Dave (once thought of as staunch champion of the open view) SaultoPaul (once considered brilliant mind on dispensationalism) patrick jane (once considered reasonable and valuable asset to the discussion) Anyone else I should add?
  3. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    They aren't. There are tons of amateur videos clearly showing the curvature of the earth. Here's one now...
  4. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    So you are a flat earth moron too? Oh geez.... what's worse than seeing people you looked up to turn out to be insane. :(
  5. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    I think we concede that point too easily. They should not only have to prove these images are somehow faked but also provide a motive as to why anyone would want to fake these images.
  6. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Uh.... there are literally thousands of images of the earth from space. You live in fantasy land. You are the one with the insane theory. The burden of proof is on you to prove all these images have been faked for some unknown reason.
  7. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    The clouds don't just end. Clouds are of varying density and thickness. Some parts of clouds are more opaque than others. You admittedly know nothing about photography, computer graphics, and pretty much anything else... yet you are sure this image is faked?? At what cost will you hold on to...
  8. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Dave now you are just grasping at straws. Regardless of the less than precise measurements... the helicopter disappears from bottom to top as it lowers beneath the line of sight. This could not be possible without the curvature of the earth.
  9. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Sorry but you don't get to simply write off evidence as fake. Prove to me this is a faked or CGI generated image.
  10. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Can a fisheye lens explain this image? This was taken by the Suomi NPP satellite. DTP... please tell me you are not a flat earther.
  11. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Flat Earth theory.... it's what happens when people who have no idea what they are talking about regarding science, physics, math, geography, astronomy, perspective, computer graphics, history, digital video, pretend they know more than the people who do know about these subjects. :rotfl:
  12. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    The only sentence that matters in this post is.... "Okay, I admit it - I'm no computer graphics expert" What this moron doesn't realize is this video is a time lapse video using high resolution digital cameras. Not every second is being captured by the camera which causes the shifting from...
  13. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    That makes no sense to me whatsoever. Why you ask?? Why tell us the earth is actually flat and not round? Why not?? There is literally no reasonable reason not to. :idunno: Thanks for discrediting my father's life work :rolleyes: You are certifiably insane. But hey.... everyone has a right to...
  14. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Yeah I know. I couldn't get a thing out of Dave. I'm hoping for more from Patrick. I'm sure he is pouring over YouTube videos as we speak :D
  15. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Hey Patrick what is the purpose of the globe earth cover-up? After all every conspiracy has a purpose. They say 9/11 was an inside job and it was to convince the nation is was okay to go to war with Iraq and steal their oil. The Sandy Hook massacre (and other mass shootings) were faked or...
  16. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Wow!! An actual response without 7 youtube videos and 12 crappy memes. Thank you! While I disagree with you I do appreciate your actual response. :up:
  17. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Hey Patrick did you know my dad helped design some of the spaceships that traveled to the Moon and Mars? Yep my dad was an illustrator for the Martin Company AKA Martin Marietta in the late 1950's and 1960s. Therefore if your insane ramblings are true my dad was part of the cover-up. But my...
  18. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    No. It wont. Dave.... if the sun were close to us like you assert and if the sun were setting only due to your tortured view of perspective, the sun would get much, much, smaller as it moved away from our point of view. None of this happens Dave. Your theory is bankrupt. Yet the train tracks...
  19. Nathon Detroit

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Hey Patrick... you used to be pretty cool. I thought you were one of the good guys on TOL. What has happened to you? Now you are resorting to posting propaganda on the forum without engaging in the debate. You should know more than anyone how annoying it is to deal with a person who ignores the...