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  1. PureX

    Confessions of an Economic Hitman

    Sure took him a long time to say anything.
  2. PureX

    Radical protesters again lay siege to government buildings

    So they didn't "lay siege" to any government buildings. They just blocked streets, as public protests commonly do.
  3. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    "I could be wrong, but not about anything that matters." 😳
  4. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Let me stop you, here. Understand that we do not have to know WHAT we don’t know, to know THAT we don’t know. In fact, if we could know WHAT we don’t know, it would be false to then claim that we don’t know it. So none of us has to be aware of what or how we are being in-cognizant of reality to...
  5. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Thinking isnlt really that arduous once you get used to it. You just have to get past the knowing it all stage, so you can wonder again. I realize that's uncomfortable for a lot of people and I understand why. And it's OK to assume that reality is as we think it is so long as we aren't tryng to...
  6. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Most people are quite aware that reality as we perceive it is not the same as reality as it is. We have all misperceived reality often enough to understand that this is so. We can ignore this difference so long as it poses no significant problems for us as we move through the world, but in fact...
  7. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Existence is both subjective and objective in that it contains 'what is' AND what we think is, is. The truth is both, even though they don't necessarily jive with each other. Unfortunately, we humans don't want to accept this because it's confusing to us, and unsettling. We want to believe that...
  8. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Thank God! :)
  9. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    There are MANY other 'good parts' of humanity. And the loss may only be for a moment in history. Keep in mind this is all a hypothetical that has no current basis in reality.
  10. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    I think we first have to acknowledge that there is a difference between an ethical principal and a moral action. Morality is the ethical assessment of behavior. So to be precise, there are no 'moral principals', there is only moral and immoral behavior as determined by ethical assessment. But...
  11. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    I would assert that there is an even more fundamental objective basis for establishing value than the avoidance of suffering, and that is that it is better to exist than not to exist. As evidenced by the nature of everything that does exist struggling in whatever ways that are possible, to keep...
  12. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    I'm done with this silliness. I've made my point a half dozen times by now. If you can't understand it then I can't help you.
  13. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    I don't think you've understood this conversation from the start. I have nothing at all against people choosing to call rape, torture, and murder inexcusably wrong. I agree with them. My obection is to this weird insistence that once you have chosen this position, it has then somehow become...
  14. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Various cultures have done those things in the past, mostly in the service of their gods. So it's not unreasonable to think humans may come to do them again at sometime in the future. So all these proclamation of absolute morality just don't seem to apply to the real world. If we can choose to...
  15. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    They have been deemed acceptable in many cultures throughout history. Lots of people even today still think they are acceptable. Which is why they still occur. Why are you having such a hard time understanding this? Every human being and human society decides for themselves what is "right" and...
  16. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Again, the point is that you are not God. So you have no idea what the future will bring or how we will decide to deal with it. Just as your opinions about when and why humanity "deserves to die out" are equally irrelevant to reality. I'm not saying you don't have a right to form your own...
  17. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    We do, every time we decide to make war on those we deem to be a threat to humanity. Only from the fantasy that we humans can determine an absolute.
  18. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    No, the best way to do that is to separate the abusers from the victims via prisons, work camps, and so on. When we allow the government to decide who needs "punished" and how badly we will then need someone to protect us from THEM. The same as when religions try to decide who needs to be...
  19. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Yes, and my point is that it is the greater good that determines what is "right and wrong" is a world where moral imperatives are not absolute. That is in the world we are living in.
  20. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Punishment for sin is God's purview. Not religion's, and not government's, and not yours (or mine). Government's job is to protect us from each other, not punish us for "wrong-doing". If in the course of administering that protection, it has to take a human life, then so be it. But it's not...