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  1. Poly

    Never thought I’d side with an atheist

    Never thought I’d side with an atheist but it is what it is if James White’s idea of God is correct.
  2. Poly

    And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

    Aww. That’s so sweet. Hope they found her.
  3. Poly

    A little comedy break....

    Love it!!
  4. Poly

    And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

    That was neat. Too bad we don’t know how it ended.
  5. Poly

    The time has come...

    Baldy is as sick and twisted as any PEDOPHILE!!! Yep, I said it. They are sicko disgusting perverted scum on the bottom of a maggot, PEDOPHILES!!
  6. Poly

    Pet Peeves

    Those are so dead on. Some nearly cause me to lose my religion.
  7. Poly

    Do you believe in predestination ?

    Look at the pot calling the kettle black? I asked you a question first. I would be more than willing to answer yours. But it’s hypocritical to state you won’t answer mine till I answer yours when I asked first.
  8. Poly

    Different Stuff

    I would sure like to see more information about this. Weather is crazy right now everywhere and I wonder if it has anything to do with this.
  9. Poly

    Do you believe in predestination ?

    That’s not fair. If you answer my question that I asked first then I will answer yours. Why would Christ ask that this cup be passed from Him if He already knew it was established from the foundation of the world and God does not change? Why in the world would he sit in a garden with so much...
  10. Poly

    Do you believe in predestination ?

    So in that verse, with Him saying it was predetermined, it makes it more absurd for Him to ask that he might not have to bear the cup. Unless predetermined doesn’t mean what you mean. If my kid acts up in the store, I can predetermine that he will be spanked when He gets home. Once at home...
  11. Poly

    Do you believe in predestination ?

    If He did, why would He ask not to have to bear the cup? If it was determined, don’t you think he’d feel silly asking. “I’ve predetermined it but I’m going to ask anyway.”
  12. Poly

    Do you believe in predestination ?

    Beloved, If predestination is true and all things are set in stone before the foundation of the world, why did Jesus ask if it was possible for this cup to be passed from Him? He was asking if there be any other way than Him going to the cross. Why would Jesus ask this if He already knew it...
  13. Poly

    And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

    After I showed my daughter, she said she’s seen it before. And then she sent me this one.
  14. Poly

    And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

    That is so sweet. I’ll have to show my daughter. She’s wanting to learn how to play the harp. She plays piano, acoustic and electric guitar and the drums. Why not add another one to the mix. We have a little dog and she’s on the nervous side. But when we play calming music she always seems to...
  15. Poly

    Top 100 Homeschool websites

    I have 5 kids and I homeschooled all of them. I live in Oklahoma. I did not have to report to the local school board or to the state in anyway. They took their ACT and all went on to college and/or tech schools. They now have very successful jobs and are thriving. So I’d hold off on the “Duhhh”...
  16. Poly

    And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

    Love love LOVE that movie. Typical stupid teachers and staff. But I was a homeschool mom of 25 years so of course I’d love it. ….Chika chi ka 😜
  17. Poly

    The time has come...

    Just like at the beginning of the plandemic he said masks weren’t needed and would do no good. Flippity flop
  18. Poly

    The time has come...

    So tragic.
  19. Poly

    A little comedy break....
