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  1. Poly

    Smilie story contest

    Time once again for a TOL.... Smilie story contest Submit a story using as many smilies in place of words as you can. You can enter an already existing story or make up one of your own. Winner gets a level upgrade not to exceed the gold level. If you're already a gold member, you can give...
  2. Poly

    Time Once Again For a "Nosey Poly" Thread

    You know, it's been a long time since I submitted one of my nosey threads so we're about due for one. 1. What did you eat for dinner last night? 2. What were the last items you bought from the store? 3. What is your middle name. 4. Who is your favorite super hero. (Other than God) 5...
  3. Poly

    Poly's pick 8-13-16

    Well said, WLJ.
  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 8-11-16

    Challenge Challenge accepted. Proof given. 'Nuff said. :up:
  5. Poly

    Article: Democratic Party Suffers Nervous Breakdown In Philly: The Inside Story

    You can view the page at
  6. Poly

    Are All Sins Equal?

    I get so tired of hearing stuff like... a child stealing a piece of bubble gum is just as bad in God's eyes as a man who rapes a woman. PUHLEEZE!! Pure Baloney!! And here's some great info from the ever famous Turbo, of years past, showing that this is simply not true.
  7. Poly

    Homeschool: Stupid Questions and Stereotypes

    I particularly like the question... "Do you have homework?" Yeah, about that. Let's see.... We do our work... at home... Yeah, I'd say we have homework. UIGun5qyGMs
  8. Poly

    Article: Black Lives Terrorists Taking Truckers Hostage all over America

    You can view the page at
  9. Poly

    Law Enforcement Heros

    This thread is dedicated to recognizing the heroes of law enforcement with videos, news clips, interviews, etc. I'll start it off by saying.... I want this guy to be MY sheriff. CYunIrWDANU
  10. Poly

    Article: Officer’s spine shattered after protester drops concrete block on his head

    You can view the page at’s-spine-shattered-after-protester-drops-concrete-block-on-his-head
  11. Poly

    Matt Damon is a Panty-waist!

    He broke my heart. No more "Bourne" movies for me. Did you hear? The 5th Jason Bourne movie is underway. Here's the synopsis. It's Jason Bourne like you've never seen him before. Watch how this once...
  12. Poly

    Best Movie Villain Ever

    My favorite movie villain thus far is Loki from the avengers.
  13. Poly

    "Love the sinner hate the sin" Who said this?

    Step up, answer the question and win the prize.... (bragging rights) Who said, "Love the sinner hate the sin?"
  14. Poly

    Victoria Osteen..... Self Centered Idiot!

    No your ears aren't playing tricks on you. This arrogant, foolish, danger to the gospel, actually said this.
  15. Poly

    Article: Arabic the fastest growing language in the U.S.

    You can view the page at
  16. Poly

    OCD or SCD

    This is the one true test. While playing solitare (the old fashioned way with actual cards), if you have to make sure each row is straight and even before playing then you have OCD. If you do not.......then you are weird (or you have SCD... Sloppy Compulsive Disorder.) So which are you?
  17. Poly

    Article: Oklahoma House panel votes to deny medical licenses to abortion providers

    You can view the page at
  18. Poly

    Joel Osteen is a Despicable Disgrace

    Full Article Joel Osteen doesn’t believe in telling people they should repent. He would rather hold their hands on their way to hell and “tickle their ears” instead. But hey, whatever gets him the big bucks, right? Shame on you, Joel Osteen. Repent of misleading others of what the gospel really...
  19. Poly

    Article: 31,000 Islamic State Women Pregnant with Jihadi Babies

    You can view the page at
  20. Poly

    Is the Paleo Diet all it's cracked up to be?

    Has anybody had success with this diet? It basically just seems like the Atkins Diet to me. After being told a year ago that my husband would need to a liver transplant in appx. 10 years, the time frame has changed pretty dramatically several times with his last trip to Baylor resulting in...