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  1. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Every living thing is a creation. God alone is not created.
  2. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    So let's scratch out verses like Col 1:15 then. That verse is very clear friend. You can not twist truth to fit your faith
  3. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Philippians 2, it is not Jesus who emptied himself it was WHO was IN Jesus.
  4. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    I believe that the early church became evil by men who believed the world was flat.
  5. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    jesus did not pre-exist his birth, the spirit IN him did. The dove brought the true Son to dwell in Jesus and spoke through him. See Heb 10: and learn who/what needed a body prepared for him/it. That spirit had the power of his creator, that spirit is the true son. God created all things through...
  6. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Where did he get his POWER? It was given to him by his creator. Your not questioning traditional mistakes.
  7. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Col 1:15 disagrees with you. Heb 1:3 also disagrees with you as all images are creations. I could go on and on but you will not see truth.
  8. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Many are called, FEW are chosen. I disagree with your history. Christ taught is to keep the commandments in our hearts and mind, the RCC tried to alter them and punished the folks who kept them. You need to do a study on the book of Daniel.
  9. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Why do you skip verse 15? Marke for over seventy years I have studied his words. For fifty of thoes years I believed in the Trinity. But now I have a better understanding of who Jesus was/is. Jesus was controlled by the spirit that came with the dove, that spirit is the true son that was at the...
  10. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Sorry JR, Forgive my old age please. Lon I can not disagree more with you on the word IN in verse 2:5 Col 1:15 is very clear that the son is a creation. The first of all creatures/creation. Jesus said that all power was given to him, God does not need to be given anything. I am aware that my...
  11. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Note: Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Most overlook the word IN. What was IN Jesus Christ. That dove spirit the true son God sent.
  12. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Thanks for your opinion. To set the record straight before I rebut understand me and what I believe and why. Who is Jesus? He is my Lord and my Savior, but not my God for I believe only the Father is the true God. The WORD in John 1:1 is not flesh, it became FLESH, Jesus was flesh. So the WORD...
  13. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Hi Lon, hope things are well with you. We disagree a lot but I still think your classy. Let my ask you a question: John 1:1 do you think the word is Jesus? If so, what came with the dove at his baptism...
  14. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Don't try to change your words RD, you implied it.
  15. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Your mind needs an overhaul. But its OK with me if you think differently, I will not call you names.
  16. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Did not Jesus say that all his power was given to him? Did not Jesus say he was going to HIS God? Think JR, there might be something you missed.
  17. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    You are a judge, the judgement will come back to you but not by me. You know who.
  18. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Folks when you do not understand what another is saying or trying to show you, is it right to call him a snake or viper? Is this what your God teaches? I think not, at least mine does not. When someone disagree with you why would you call him names. Unless your scared he might have truth and you...
  19. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Your evil heart exposes who your God really is RD. You have not learned the important things in scripture and you won't as long as you close your mind.
  20. keypurr

    Jesus is God !

    Nope I don't, I do just fine. Were you always a snob? You have done nothing but hiss sine I dropped in.