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  1. F

    OPEC declared war on Texas ...

    ... But, somehow, your TV didn't tell you. Problem is, the shale reserves will still be there when they inevitably have to stop over producing and prices will eventually recover and...
  2. F

    It's about Paris

    The so called leaders of the “western world” have cooperated in the deployment of foreign troops on their own soil. They don't wear uniforms. Their mission is to destabilize for the purpose of providing an excuse for what comes next. We will be willing to accept what comes next in the name of...
  3. F

    The E.R. for Endangered Words and Phrases

    It is the nature of language that it changes to accommodate the cultures and peoples that use it. Words and phrases come and go at the whim of public acceptance and usage. I would like to offer a place where words and phrases that are in danger of extinction might find some temporary help in...
  4. F


    I just hit the back button and wound up in the middle of Eesets' user account. Sorry. It was not intentional.
  5. F

    I don't have words for this ...
  6. F

    Am I The Only One II ...

    ... whose screen is continually pulled back to that auto-play ad thingy that shows up in the first post of any page of any given thread. I'm about ready to hurt something. :mad:
  7. F


    I'm not arguing for or against the writings of C.S. Lewis but when reading one of his works I noted that he sagely pointed out the gradual nature of change wrought by those who would guide the opinions and thereby the affairs of mankind. Most of the posters here are old enough to have noted this...
  8. F

    Am I The Only One ...

    ... That finds this article really, really funny?
  9. F

    It's About Hamburger Meat ...

    I've noticed for years that I would break into a package of hamburger meat and it would be pink on the outside and brown on the inside. I assumed that it was just the meat market manager covering older meat with newer to sell it. Yesterday I opened a pre-sealed container of hamburger meat...
  10. F

    ECT I'm jazzed

    My 9 year old girl just asked me to print her out the ten commandments.
  11. F


    I grew up in a time that there were only three TV stations. As a child it did not take me long to notice that they all three had a nightly “news” PROGRAM on at the same time. I also noticed that, as my father changed from one station to the next, they all were talking about the same thing at the...
  12. F

    In Praise of Women

    As I lay sleepless staring at my wife asleep in bed I was struck with her beauty and strength of character and I just felt moved to get up and say something about it.
  13. F

    I Knew it ...

    ... I just knew it. Now the question is, was it man made? Wait, is that redundant?
  14. F

    I hate funerals and ...

    ... this isn't helping.
  15. F

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    ... and well you should ... that was the point and purpose of the song. I mean, have you studied Scientology? :dizzy:
  16. F

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Well ... you know I couldn't let that one go without a salute ... FZ had a special place in his heart for L. Ron Hubbard and it saw him weaving him in and out of one of my personal favorites amongst his musical efforts, "Joe's Garage". ... now where is my Telefunkin U47 ... with leather ...?
  17. F


    I'm not a newbie by any stretch of the imagination but it has been some time since I posted here and I don't understand the "friends" feature of the user interface and I am concerned I might be committing some sort of faux pas as a result. What's this thing for?