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  1. Totton Linnet

    My contention with Nicky boy

    Why DO I call him a dope? How often have you read him to say stuff like As we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than the one which we have preached let him be accursed. Gal.1:9 quoting Paul the apostle. And he uses this to damn and curse and call...
  2. Totton Linnet

    Theology Club: Calvin, Spurgeon, Moody and 'arry Moorhouse

    I have never gotten the green light from the Lord to read Calvin but I have read Spurgeon voraciously since early on. Now how many Spurgeon lovers know that despite his hot denial Spurgeon did mellow a little in his Calvinism...just a little. D.L.Moody was a redden hot hellfire preacher, he was...
  3. Totton Linnet

    Why I believe war is coming

    I believe the west has miscalculated horribly, they did not expect that the neo nazi thugs they funded and supported and sent in to fire bomb the late government of Ukraine out of power would themselves seize power. I admit it is only my opinion. But if I am right my friends then they have a...
  4. Totton Linnet

    Theology Club: For Free Grace believers, was Spurgeon right?

    I am talking about the Downgrade controversy, in view of Truster's argument against creeds. You may know that the Downgrade controversy boiled down to this, in view of the onslaught of the "new enlightenment" which deluged 19th century Europe and reached America also, Spurgeon insisted on the...
  5. Totton Linnet

    Happy Birthday Andyc

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BROTHER * I miss ol' Andy, He is a truly Spirit filled believer and his heart is to share what the Lord has done for him.
  6. Totton Linnet

    It's Impossible!!_Five

    What is so glaringly obvious is that you know just as much about being saved as the Atheist, for you say we must wait till we breathe our last breath before we are born again. How come then you have got so much to say about it? [not that you say anything but keep repeating the same rubbish over...
  7. Totton Linnet

    Bloody God and Stephengoswami

    This is not an anti-Stephengo thread, folks should read his posts more carefully. But I want Stephengo to know that our Bridegroom is a bloody Bridegroom. Exodus 4:25. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone and cut the foreskin of her son and cast it at Moses feet and said "surely art thou a...
  8. Totton Linnet

    Joseph Prince

  9. Totton Linnet

    Theology Club: Predestination and freedom

    We have heard that because God predestined us this makes us robots, I say it sets us gloriously FREE. When God first created man He did not come and say please, He did not curtsy, He did not even enter into negotiations. That's what I love about God, He goes right ahead and does what He wants...
  10. Totton Linnet

    Lord have mercy! it's a revelation.

    No one else is seeing this among evangelicals. They think the last judgement is between saint and sinners, christians and non christians, the church and the world, SHEEP AND GOATS. Well it is sheep and goats but the sheep can not be the is IMpossible. There is only one last...
  11. Totton Linnet


    When they shall see Him there is no beauty there why do they stand and stare? why do they stare? Why do they stare? When they shall look upon Him will they see majesty? justice in travesty? what do they see? What do they see? Bruiséd and broken nailed to a tree what have they come to...
  12. Totton Linnet

    Going home by The Totton Linnet

    Farewell dear brothers my sisters farewell for my Lord is calling me and I want to go If tears are shed and my own be salty 'tis farewell I bid thee not goodbye you know * He had first awakened me under the apple tree and set me as a seal upon His loving heart and now because His kindness is...
  13. Totton Linnet

    ECT TLO comes to TOL

    With so many of the oldstyle Pentecostal preachers passing on or now in retirement [sadly but joyfully David Wilkerson] Here is an historic film clip of T. L. Osborn preaching to gypsies in Lille France * wvVd5GzS4sc
  14. Totton Linnet

    T. L. Osborn~The unlimited God

    eW4qrU2W2dQ wvVd5GzS4sc gQr31utmgf0 * An historic film clip from 1958 of T. L. Osborn preaching to gypsies in Lille France * * 1ob2gKHKIpI
  15. Totton Linnet

    I will daughter you

    I will daughter you by the Totton Linnet. * I will daughter you follow you wherever you may go though ties may now be broken love will not have it so I will daughter you You won't be alone I'll come too however hard the road together we will walk it we'll share the heavy load I will daughter...
  16. Totton Linnet

    Hoy and hearty

    Since my Master cut the rope by which my barque was held I have left the harbour far behind and soared aloft upon waves unquelled But sure has been my Captain and Pilot ne'er so skilled nor fearing I to unfurl my sail God's mighty wind has filled. Now that the calm of evening has settled o'er...
  17. Totton Linnet

    The Magdalene

    I may have swayed in the wind and whatever was carried upon but my flower did always turn her face to from where,er the sun has shone I surely have bended my ear to the voice of ways unknown ever longing to hear a word which could move this heart of stone Such feet as mine are set to stumble...
  18. Totton Linnet

    By His stripes

    On the cross crucified in great sorrow He died the Giver of life is He But my Lord is despised and rejected of men oh this Jesus of Calvary. The price for healing it was paid as those cruel stripes were laid within Pilate's judgement hall but His suffering it affords perfect healing for all...
  19. Totton Linnet

    The speckled hen

    This story is true it happened to me a squaubbling of sparrows commotion in the tree I opened my window and there I saw a pretty blue budgerigar in the middle of it all Those dowdy sparrows were out to kill a fellow with coat so bright did not at all fit their bill I put out my finger and...
  20. Totton Linnet

    The Hill Difficulty

    Climbing the hill Difficulty which for steepness makes me sigh, having gone but a little way my heart begins to cry. Dare not look down, must look up the summit seems so high Lord grant to me the wings of a dove how gladly I would fly. Many a tear, weary and bruiséd, oh Lord won't You show me...