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  1. Totton Linnet

    ECT The AMAZING opinion of Oatmeal

    I can tell you the sum and substance of what Oatmeal believes and has relentlessly unindated the ECT board with. He truly believes that Jesus Christ was a fellow just like himself, he believes that by study he can become the same as Jesus Christ. The bible teaches otherwise, the bible teaches...
  2. Totton Linnet


    I have often wondered if I might share a little Spurgeon on TOL, mebbe not too much at a go but some gleanings as it were and see if they might not be a blessing to others as they have been for me. I am grounded theologically by Spurgeon, apart from scripture I have feasted on him since very...
  3. Totton Linnet

    When were we chosen?

    Paul tells us when we were chosen. According as He hath chosen us [in Christ] before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will.
  4. Totton Linnet

    Another 5 years of the Tories

    If the exit polls are right the Tories have won the election and Labour has nothing they can do to out-manoeuvre 5 more years of beating up the working class to pay for the mess the bankers dumped us into.....
  5. Totton Linnet

    Baltimore...a question of time

    If the politicians and the police are not very careful they are going to have full scale bloody civil war on their hands. There is not a more patient race of people on this earth by and large than the Afro black.
  6. Totton Linnet

    ECT The operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    It has often occurred to me that almost every truly saved Christian experiences or has experienced the Holy Spirit in some kind of communicative way as the Pentecostal/Charismatic experiences Him in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit. All Christians receive guidance, a teaching, perhaps...
  7. Totton Linnet

    ECT I saw a vision...oh yes!

    In fact it is quite a common experience. People when you say vision conjure up pictures of creatures flying through the air and horses with wings etc but visions usually are of everyday things and within our comprehension. I was at an "Intercessors for Britain" prayer meeting and some dear old...
  8. Totton Linnet

    How I KNOW it is God's will to heal all who desire it

    There is only one question to answer and that is what is God's will? God's will and God's word are one. If you know what God's will is regarding any matter you can have faith, if you do not know God's will concerning any matter you can hope but you cannot have faith. Faith is certainty, faith...
  9. Totton Linnet

    Happy Birthday Alwight

    many happy returns Al :)
  10. Totton Linnet

    ECT I ain't serving no poverty sir!

    I didn't say I would NOT serve God if He were a poverty God. I would serve Him whatever, I HAVE served Him in poverty, I have clung to Him when I had nothing. I have laid down to die. Not having eaten more than a slice of bread for 3 days sleep comes easy, deep sleep. But I...
  11. Totton Linnet

    The GOOD news is God's power unto salvation

    The Back alley gets so cluttered up with rubbish sometimes, it is worth remembering that we don't HAVE any bad news for anybody, we are only sent to announce GOOD news. This good news is God's power unto salvation. Like when Jesus came across the five times married woman and said " the water...
  12. Totton Linnet

    Paris will be Obama's legacy

    Not only Paris but Obama's refusal to fight the one war which did count, to take Isis head on when they were there all together for the taking and complete irradication. They had shown no mercy they should have been shown none in return. Their wealth, their manpower, their arms could have been...
  13. Totton Linnet

    Winston Churchill speeches

    I actually despise everything Churchill represented or stood for politically, nor do I admire his war mongering. Never-the-less when all around everybody was giving way, France the world's most powerful military, the lowlands and even his own cabinet were in favour of coming to peace terms with...
  14. Totton Linnet

    Happy Birthday GenuineOriginal

    Many happy returns Gen....:)
  15. Totton Linnet

    Will you be going to see "The Interview" over Christmas

    Apparently some theatres will be showing it. Some of the effects could be lifelike.
  16. Totton Linnet

    The wish Letsargue merry Christmas thread

    We wish you a merry Christmas we WISH you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year Glad tidings we bring to you and your king we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year
  17. Totton Linnet

    Wot's YOUR favourite disaster?

    Of course disasters are not fun, not a bit. I am totally transfixed by them, how they happened, I want to know every single detail. I was born and raised in Southampton England and it is from there that the Titanic set off on her maiden voyage, I think I had barely learned to read before I was...
  18. Totton Linnet

    Ebola could be about to explode.

    I heard someone say it is the worse epidemic since aids. But if that nurse contracted it by simply touching her face it is a great deal more virulent than aids. The Brit who is in Macedonia had flown direct from the UK and had no connection to the disease. Ebola sounds more like the Bubonic...
  19. Totton Linnet


  20. Totton Linnet

    Theology Club: John Nelson Darby

    JND has been called the father of Dispensationalism, he is not. He IS the father of modern pre-tribulation rapture. If you believe in covenants you must also believe in dispensations, the covenants differ in the way God has dispensed them to different people. This is so apparently true that it...