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  1. Totton Linnet

    ECT Come BOLDLY to the throne of grace

    God loves you, He paid a high price for you. He wants fellowship with you. He doesn't want you be afraid of Him, all He asks is that you don't hide from Him like Adam did, don't cover up your nakedness. You can hardly turn a page in the gospels where Jesus doesn't somewhere say "Fear not" and...
  2. Totton Linnet

    ECT The Holy Con Artists

    "We must obey the law" is their motto. They dare not say "We" obey the law therefore you must follow us because they know very well that they don't. But when they say we must obey they are implying that they do. It is a con trick. They tried this out in church and they were found out, that is...
  3. Totton Linnet

    Poverty is a person....oh yes

    "Century Gothic"][/FONT][/FONT] Poverty will kill you as sure as cancer will, Jesus said "all who came before Me were thieves and robbers.... the thief comes only for to steal and to kill and destroy you, but I am come that ye might have life and that ye might have it more abundantly" When...
  4. Totton Linnet

    john w has become a Pentecostal

    Well he's not here, I can say what I like....
  5. Totton Linnet

    Happy Birthday STP

    Happy Birthday bro :) It's 12.05 am so 'fishally it is STP's birthday
  6. Totton Linnet

    Happy Birthday Colossians

    Ah I remember him well...happy birthday :)
  7. Totton Linnet

    Equal with God = question

    Honestly some of these truths are so extremely simple to understand. There is no need to traverse land and sea to seek out a quirky linguist to teach you that the bible does not say what it so clearly does. A child can understand it. Jesus Christ is equal with God, yet humbles Himself to the...
  8. Totton Linnet

    Who elected who?

    Jesus said "you have not chosen Me, I have chosen you...." I understand why Christians believe that it was themselves who decided for Christ, they made [they suppose] a "freewill" decision. When Peter cried "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" Jesus answered and said "blessed are...
  9. Totton Linnet

    How to get that spider....not

    This guy was really unhappy about having a spider in his car Jr_xkoqUjVY
  10. Totton Linnet

    The Son of God = question

    What makes Jesus Christ God is the fact that He was conceived in the womb of the virgin There is no need to be lurid or foolish about this, I sincerely hope nobody will be. But the God seed was placed in Mary as surely as though God had not by passed the natural process. Whenever He is...
  11. Totton Linnet

    Kentucky Kim and cakes

    If in January when the judiciary meets to make a ruling, they decide to make an accommodation to Christians on the grounds of freedom of conscience how will this ruling effect Christian bakers who do not wish to decorate a cake in a way that promotes homosexuality? Christian booksellers who do...
  12. Totton Linnet

    LOL Limericks

    please keep 'em clean Hairy Mary Dagnabit had a boil which caused her to dab it to her great disappointment she used the wrong ointment so they called in the doctor to jab it
  13. Totton Linnet

    ECT The church is glorious

    There has never been anything like the church, a nation within the nations, a people of God. All over the world today men and women will bow their heads and quietly commit their souls to Jesus and be saved, because the church is here. People will gather to Him, bringing not only their needs...
  14. Totton Linnet

    Theology Club: The promises of God are ours

    That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But NOW in Christ Jesus ye who were sometimes afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For He is our peace, who...
  15. Totton Linnet

    You WERE healed

    Himself bare our sins in His own body that we being dead unto sin might live unto righteousness, by whose stripes ye were healed. Isn't it great when a scripture or a portion of scripture you have read many, many times comes ALIVE to you in a new way. Most preachers enlarge on the play on...
  16. Totton Linnet

    Spiritual warfare

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Did you know that the church has been given power to change society and drive the devil out of our communities and our...
  17. Totton Linnet

    Lamb chop gospel

    What is the lamb chop gospel? It goes like this, if your dog has brought a dirty, stinky, smelly old bone into the house you wanna get rid of that bone. A head on rush and grab approach to this problem may not be the wisest move Dogs are amazingly attached to dirty, stinky bones they have dug...
  18. Totton Linnet

    ECT The law, the chase and kacks away

    These obeyers of commandments, this is what they are, they are secret sin lovers [and every now and again they break loose altogether] they are playing "chase me" with the devil, "see if you can tempt me with my fav fleshpot" They resist, [of course] and they resist, as any blushing maiden...
  19. Totton Linnet

    ECT There be many Galatians nowadays

    Nor should we be surprised, see how quickly people withdrew themselves from the Lord's earthly ministry. It seem as though Paul had scarcely left town when here comes some other fellows who seem to be somewhat and the people settle down to give them a fair hearing. So it seems today there seems...
  20. Totton Linnet

    Happy birthday Swedenborg

    many happy returns :)