I get 'mask burn' from my masks. The hot moist air against my face creates redness. I am a;ready immune to Covid bevause I had it last year and have not been ill since despite repeated exposure.
There actually is no such thing as race - it's population groups. We all come from Adam and then Noah. Racism in all its forms doesn't have a leg to stand on. It is mostly libitards that promote it.
I will clarify That I hate racism in all of its permutations, even the white hatred that is circulating around. Hating a person based on the color of his skin is stupid. Only stupid people say skin tone affects IQ.
If you spam my blog you will be kicked from it.
If you keep raising a stink...
It is implied in his post. He says Greta does all such things kinda like trad and black people. Unacceptable. If he had just said trad he would have been fine. But to imply Blacks are like Greta is unacceptable.