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  1. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Law is Always Needed

    The law will always be needed for three purposes: pedagogical, civil, moral/normative. - The first is for the unbeliever to know how great their sin and misery is. - The second is the application of the moral law to public or civil life. - The third, contra Antinomianism, is whereby the moral...
  2. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Destination Matters - So Does The Road Taken

    Would that those who are quick to consign the Calvinist to eternal damnation would extend us the courtesies that we do to them. AMR
  3. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Golden Chain of Redemption

    Romans 8:28-30 gives us a very nice picture of God's redemptive plan. This golden chain of redemption is: foreknowledge, predestination, calling, regeneration, faith, repentance, justification, union to Christ, adoption, sanctification, and glorification. An alternative that some like to use...
  4. Ask Mr. Religion

    Christology: Trichotomy and Other Heresies

    A great deal of the current misunderstandings and heresies regarding the nature of Christ and ultimately, the Trinity, have their foundation in Docetism. One might argue that all of the many heresies denounced by the Chalcedonian Definition are doctetic in their foundations. This statement by...
  5. Ask Mr. Religion


    a. Arguments in favor of Traducianism. Several arguments are adduced in favor of this theory: (1) It is said to be favored by the Scriptural representation (a) that God but once breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and then left it to man to propagate the species, Gen. 1:28...
  6. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Unforgivable Sin

    Matthew 12:31 describes the sin attributing to Satan (e.g., exorcisms described in previous verses) the work of the Holy Spirit. In other words the unforgiveable sin was rejecting the Holy Spirit's testimony to Christ. After all, it is blasphemy of the Spirit. This is a sin that is only...
  7. Ask Mr. Religion

    Thoughts on Prayer

    God’s command, not our curiosity, is the measure of our duty. If I pray aright, God is graciously working out his purposes in me and through me, and the praying, though mine, is simultaneously the fruit of God’s powerful work in me through his Spirit. By this God-appointed means I become an...
  8. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Usual Suspects in Counseling

    I maintain a very small counseling practice. I have to be persuaded that the couple or individual is really in need of the type of counseling I provide. How I go about doing that is not based upon a rigid algorithm or questionnaire. I generally have to know the potential client reasonably enough...
  9. Ask Mr. Religion

    Origins of the TULIP Acrostic

    The most basic definition of a "Calvinist" would be someone who holds to the doctrines of grace from Scripture that relate to how one is actually saved that were systematized from Scripture by John Calvin in his Institutes. Calvin was not the first to do so historically, but his efforts were so...
  10. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Doctrines of Grace - TULIP

    T = The Problem (Total Inability) – Grace Needed U = The Remedy (Unconditional Election) – Grace Conceived L = The Means (Limited Atonement) – Grace Merited I = The Application (Irresistible Grace) – Grace Applied P = The Result (Perseverance of the Saints) – Grace Preserved The...
  11. Ask Mr. Religion

    The "Calvin is a Murderer" Meme

    When persons resort to the genetic fallacy by appealing to John Calvin's life as a supposed refutation of the theological views from Scripture that he systematized, it is clear they are becoming desperate. Such tactics demonstrate these persons are just not qualified to sit at the table where...
  12. Ask Mr. Religion

    Cessationism versus Continuationism

    The argument for the cessationist view: 1) There are no apostles of Christ on earth today. 2) Because there are no apostles of Christ, there are no prophets. 3) Because there are no prophets, there are no tongue speakers. 4) In view of 1-3, there are no miracle workers on earth today. 1. There...
  13. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Potential versus The Actual Atonement

    The "for each and every person" view of the atonement is a potential view of atonement, not an actually accomplished atonement. In other words, this is universal redemption or general atonement in that Christ’s redeeming work made it possible for everyone to be saved but did not actually secure...
  14. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Diety of Jesus Christ

    Scripture stands against those that would deny the diety of Our Lord . Those that deny this are not within their Scriptural warrant to declare themselves to be professing Christians. 1. Jesus made every created thing (John 1:1-3, Col 1:16-17) 2. God alone made every created thing...
  15. Ask Mr. Religion

    Why Our Lord Had To Die

    Please follow the argument below: 1. God exists. (Gen. 1:1) 2. God is infinite. (Psalm 90:2, 147:5; Jer. 23:24) 3. God is holy. (Isaiah 6:3; Rev. 4:8) 4. God is righteous. (Neh. 9:32-33; 1 Thess. 1:6) 5. Therefore, God is infinitely holy and just. 6. Furthermore, God speaks out of the...
  16. Ask Mr. Religion

    Just Me and My Bible

    The "Just Me and My Bible" attitude has no warrant from Scripture. Scripture principally teaches what man is to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of man -- FAITH and LIFE. The Confession makes explicit what a church believes that FAITH and LIFE to be. Those who object to a...
  17. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Person of Jesus Christ Debate

    The orthodox view of our Lord against a myriad of heresies was answered by the church at Chalcedon. At the incarnation, Our Lord was (and now is) fully God and fully man in an indissoluble union whereby the second person of the Trinity assumed a human nature that cannot be separated, divided...
  18. Ask Mr. Religion

    The Trinity - A Debate

    For a debate with a person that denies the Trinity, see my responses here: AMR
  19. Ask Mr. Religion

    Church History Materials

    A collection of ten sets of slides covering early church history, the Reformation, and Calvinism can be downloaded here: AMR
  20. Ask Mr. Religion

    Interesting Bible Visualization Tools

    Sentiment analysis: Old Testament - New Testament Cross References: Events in the Life of Jesus...