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  1. F

    Signs of the times

    I think the term "psychotic" was somewhat hyperbolic. I was trying to find some offering that discussed the news of the Pope's embracing of transgenderism. Finding something that is strictly factual and without opinion on the subject is difficult.
  2. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Your input and your attitude are both appreciated.
  3. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Eccl 1: 9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 10Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. Eccl 3: 15That which...
  4. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    I think I just saw what you were suggesting here. This is a prophetic first look at what was to come ... as are all of God's ordinances. Then again maybe I'm just seeing what you said through the lens of what I believe.
  5. F

    Signs of the times

    Another brick in the wall.
  6. F

    Signs of the times

    Is the "great falling away" already underway?
  7. F

    Is Mr. Jordan Peterson a false prophet or ravenous wolf?

    We're doing our Kirk/Spock routine again. Maybe, as an exercise in rhetoric, we should swap the roles just to keep it fresh. ;)
  8. F

    Is Mr. Jordan Peterson a false prophet or ravenous wolf?

    First, I would have to say that you are much braver than I as it concerns the inclination to judge whether or not God is "moral." Speaking for myself, that's above my paygrade. As it concerns love and it's relationship to knowledge I think the 10 commandments were offered as a snapshot of what...
  9. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    The whole notion of being firstborn has intrigued me in that I am the first of three siblings. Not to generalize but, we do often hold several traits in common. We usually don't lack for confidence. We generally watch with some chagrin as our younger siblings get the same privileges that we had...
  10. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    I have to wonder what changed here and why? As you know, walk a couple of verses further and you run into this: 30And the first of all the firstfruits of all things, and every oblation of all, of every sort of your oblations, shall be the priest's: ye shall also give unto the priest the first...
  11. F

    Is Mr. Jordan Peterson a false prophet or ravenous wolf?

    I've watched Jordan for some time now and then I stopped. I suppose that is probably somewhat unnecessarily dismissive in that we are all works in progress; him and me included. I guess I saw just enough of what I didn't like about me in him to recognize the deficiencies in his approach to...
  12. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Sorta like life ...
  13. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Tam expressed an interest in a non hurried approach to this effort and I concurred. This allows for chasing down different thoughts while the format itself bring things back on course in sequentially working our way through it. I participated in the thread you referenced and when we get to 13 it...
  14. F

    The Gateway Pundit

    The most important video you will watch this year.
  15. F

    Walking down memory lane I thought of you Nori.

    Walking down memory lane I thought of you Nori.
  16. F

    The Gateway Pundit

    I don't think, at this point, that I would point to the present Pope as representative of "Christian culture." What I hoped was obvious in my point is that the countries that are being flooded with those not indigenous to their land are predominately white and Christian, as a general...
  17. F

    The Gateway Pundit

    Well, we were warned of an eventual "falling away" as it concerns the Christian faith weren't we?
  18. F

    The Gateway Pundit

    I fear that Christian culture is being flooded by Islamic culture for a stage managed conflict to come.
  19. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, This term "first begotten" is derived from the Greek word "prototokos" which is defined as...
  20. F

    Signs of the times

    As it concerns Alex and his Masonic affiliation I thought it best he be allowed to speak for himself on the matter.